cнαpтer 15

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OMFG! I cant believe I am writing chapter 15!!! 

Thank you all for reading this story and getting it to chapter 15, I never thought I would writing chapter 15! So thanks a lot everyone for supporting me and getting this story this far :) I love you <3

Oh and what do you think about the new cover, better than the last one???


*Liam's Pov*

I watched in horror, as Louis tore Zayn off the girl and punched his jaw. I gasped as the tears spilled across my face. I quickly stood up and raced towards them and just as Louis was about to punch Zayn again, I managed to scream out to Louis telling him to stop. Louis turned around to face me, his eyes were filled with anger but as soon they met mine, I could see that they were slowly relaxing. By the time I reached Louis, Harry and Niall were already there trying to get Louis away from Zayn. Louis gave me a apologetic look as he turned around and went outside with Harry and Louis. I sighed as I turned my head around to watch Zayn angrily making his way to the toilets. 

I watched as I mentally decided wether I should follow him or not. My heart told me that I should and my brain just told me not to and leave him alone. I sighed again, a thing I have been doing a lot lately and followed Zayn in the toilets.

I pushed the male toilets door open and stood there watching Zayn as he tried to do something about his swollen cheek. I flinched noticing how hard Louis had punched him, Why would he do that? I know that he is protective of me and all of us in fact but I knew that Louis would never even think but punching one of us, ever. Maybe, he is just drunk.

"Liiamm?...." I guessed Zayn had noticed my presence because his eyes were looking at me and he had finally stopped trying to stop the bleeding. My heart did a little jump, when I heard Zayn's voice. It has been 2 weeks since I heard him speak, since he spoke to me, since we looked at each other. I sighed again. I just want things to go back to normal. I just wished I was still with Zayn in his arms. I made my way towards him, closing the door behind me. I grabbed some paper towels, slightly soaking them with water. I made my way to were Zayn standing, watching me as I inched closer to him. I breath hitched as I noticed my closeness to him. I pressed the soaked paper towels on Zayn's swollen. 

"That was pretty bad punch, huh? It's swollen but just hold the wet paper towels for while so that it doesn't go to bad" I said, my voice shaking as I hadn't talked to Zayn for a while and the air was filled with akwardness. I handed the paper towels to Zayn before turning around and making my way towards the exit.


"Oh and the other lads are already home, and I will be heading home too" I said interuppting Zayn, I didn't want to hear what he had to say. I didn't want to hear him say he hates me and that he wants me to stay away from him. So, pull the toilet door open and just as I was about  to enter the loudness of the club I felt a warm hand around my wrist. I felt Zayn's hand. I felt myself shiver as Zayn turned me around pulling me away from the door and pulled me inside one of the stalls. He pushed me against the door of the stall, his face inches away from mine.  I looked into his eyes, which I had  missed so much. His eyes stared back into mine bringing back all the memories that we had shared together. I was so close to breaking down in front of Zayn, all this closeness just pained me so much. 

But before I could do something, Zayn leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. We just stood there, our lips close to each other, touching each other but not kissing. We both were afraid to make the move first and I don't why but this felt like the time when we shared our first kiss. After few minutes Zayn put some pressure on my lips slowly kissing me, he was hesitant almost as if he wasn't sure what he was doing. His hands moved up to my cheeks cupping them he started kissing me. I immediately kissed back. I had almost forgotten how his kisses were like and now being able to kiss him again felt amazing. I didn't know how I had lived this past few days without his lips or him. I never wanted to leave this moment. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He licked my lips asking for a permission, I happily let him in. We didn't fight for dominance, we just melt into each other, one of the special things about Zayn's kisses.

We pulled as we the need for air, Zayn's eyes were still closed and his forehead was pressed against mine. We stayed in that position for a while before Zayn suddenly snapped and and moved away from me, his back hit the other side of the wall as he stared around in horror. I gulped as I felt my heart break at his movements. He couldn't even bare to stand near me could he? he hated me so much! I bet he only kissed me because he was drunk.


"No Liam, sorry but this shouldn't have happened! I just got caught up in the moment"

Just what I thought... I couldn't hold it in anymore, he just broke me with his words. He thought I was a mistake, didn't he? He just doesn't how it feels, it was just a mistake. I could feel the tears and I didn't want Zayn to see me like this so I turned around opening the stall lock and  stormed out of the toilets. I could hear Zayn telling me to come back but I didn't want to be anywhere near him. I ran as fast as I could towards the my car. There was just one thing on my mind and I wanted that as fast I could. I wanted to let it all out.


I hissed in pain as I slid the razor across my wrist enjoying the pain it gave me. For the first time in days, I felt joy. I knew I shouldn't have done it but I needed it as I much as I needed Zayn and If I wasn't gonna get Zayn and then the razor in my hand was my only option. With that thought in mind, I slid the razor again but much harder this time.....


OH GOD! what did I do??????????????? :( reaally sorry guys :(   :(  :(

anyways I know this was short but there is alot of drama so not complaining please!!! 

IMPORTANT!!! : Oh and please go and check out my new story! It's called "Truly, Madly, Deeply" It a lirry one and the description is in the story! So please go and check it out for me! It would mean a lot :D

Oh this is your last chance to vote for your favourite bromances!!! The voting line are open till the next update!! :) so get those votes going :D

the usuall...




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