cнαpтer 3

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Hey guys,

Thanx for all the votes and stuff...

so hope you like this!


*Liam's POV*

I scanned through the TV, looking for something that would make my boredom go away. Harry, Zayn and Niall had an Interview while Louis and Me were stuck at home getting bored as hell, well I was anyway. I don't even know what Louis was doing, he had locked himself up in his room ever since the others had left. I was seriously starting to get worried about that boy now, all he does is lock himself up in his room probably sulk!

I sighed, missing Zayn deeply, wishing his warm body was cuddled up next to mine. I Loved Zayn more than anything, I smiled to myself as thoughts about Zayn erupted in me.

I didn't even notice that Louis had finally unlocked his door, until I heard noise in the Kitchen. I sighed as I thought about Louis and how is avoiding all of us except Harry. He was seriously worrying me with the way he was acting around me and Zayn. I know it's something to do with me and Zayn because It's so obvious the way he glares at us whenever we are cuddling or holding hands. Why is he so angry at us? Did we do something? Did I do something? Does he like one of us? Oh, GOD what if he likes Zayn? Does Zayn Like him back? ....Of course, he doesn't idiot! Stop thinking stupid thoughts, Liam!

Tired of all these questions, I finally decided to confront Louis, Wanting answers to his behaviour. I turn off the TV and made my way to Kitchen. Louis was bending down, his head in the fridge probably looking for some carrots.

"Hey, Lou" I say as I sit down on the kitchen counter. Louis, finally turned around showing me his beautifu- I mean showing me his face. What was I gonna say?

"Hey" He mumbled, as he closed the fridge and moved towards the kitchen door. Well, I guess he didn't know he would have to stay here for a little longer! I pushed myself off the counter and made my way towards him just when he was about to leave. I put my hand around his wrist, holding it tightly. I nearly jerked my hand away when I felt strong tingles and shivers go through my body. I was probably cold, that's why!

"Louis, wait! I have to talk to you..." I said to him, as I slightly pulled his hand back. He turned around leaning back against the wall, sighing. I pulled his face towards me so that I could look into his shocking blue eyes, my hand securely cupping his face.

"Louis, what's wrong? and don't even think about giving me a 'nothing' answer because I know something is wrong!" I said, sternly. He looked away from my eyes, and staring down at his feet. He face suddenly turned a shade of red and he looked away from our feet. I looked down, frowning. I paled as soon as I looked down and I saw why he blushed -I was still holding his wrist. I quickly pulled my hand away from his wrist making Louis snap his eyes at me.

We both just stood there, staring into each other's eyes. I didn't know what to say anymore and I guess Louis didn't know what to say either. So, we just stood there having a staring competition. His eyes were red, like he had been crying for a while, and you could no longer see the sparkle in his eyes and I suddenly realised how I missed Louis....

I slowly leaned in, soon feeling his hot breath on my lips. I stopped, letting Louis fill in the gap between us. I moaned as I felt the contact of his lips, they were soft but at the same time rough. I pushed myself against him, pressing him more into the wall. I don't know what I was doing or why I was even kissing Louis when I had a perfect boyfriend. But, I wanted this so much that I didn't have the power to stop Louis or myself. So, I just relaxed and melted into his kiss.

I felt Louis wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, if that was even possible. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling lightly on his hair. I smiled as I felt his tongue asked for a permission to enter, I smirked and didn't open my mouth wanting to tease Louis more. He growled -a low and a sexy growl- which made my knees weak. Louis moved one of hands from my waist and grabbed my bum making me gasp and giggle into our kiss. He smirked and smiled as he pushed his tongue into my mouth.

This was probably one of the best kiss I ever shared with anyone, Louis has amazing mouth skills but still not as amazing as Zay-

Oh God! Zayn! What am I going to tell him? I just cheated on the man I want to spent my life with! I quickly pushed Louis off before things went to far.... But, I regretted pushing him as soon as I saw his face...


whose excited for little things? Can't wait for the track!

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BTW, this chapter is dedicated to 'cookielover4ever' for reading my story and being a lovely person! Thank you :)


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