cнαpтer 9

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Hey Guys,

well, first all of let's have a happy dance because my updates have been more frequent recenlty and lets hope I carry that on ;)

And let's do another happy dance cuz I am one chapter away from 10 CHAPTERS!! Ain't that amazing?


*Zayn's POV*

I slowly made my way back to the hospital cafeteria. I wasn't playing attention to anything, just letting my feet carry me where ever they want to take me. I couldn't think straight either, it was like my mind was filled with Blur or something.... I felt hurt and it felt like my heart was getting punched every now and then. There was nothing on my mind expect the fact that....

Liam and Louis kissed, they kissed!

My boyfriend who I love more than myself, who I thought loved me, cheated on me....

My boyfriend lied to me...

I felt like my whole had just crashed down, I didn't know what to do or what to think about the things I had just heard like I said, my brain had frozen just like my whole body. It felt like I had been walking for ages when in fact I had been only walking for a minute or so...

Why Did Liam do it?

Was I not enough?

Does he even love me?

I knew Liam wasn't the kind of person who would just cheat on someone, out of the whole band he cared about people's emotions the most, then why would he hurt me?

I needed my questions answered....and only one person could answer them...

I quicken my pace and finally entered the cafeteria, I spotted Liam sitting on a table with Niall. I nearly forgot all my emotions when I saw his face. Why does he have this effect on me? 

I made my way over to their table, and came face to face with Liam's big brown eyes and his award winning smile, I nearly smiled back but held myself back. As I sat, I avoided eye contact with Liam because I knew I don't want to look in those eyes especially after what he did. He broke me, I don't know if he realizes that or not but he did. I felt tears threatening to fall so I looked down.

We finally finished stuffing our stomachs, well Niall did anyway...I was not in a mood to eat at all and Liam said he wasn't hungry which was obviously a lie...

We quickly got up and were making our way back to Louis' room when Niall said he wanted to go outside and get some fresh air.

"You two carry on.." He said as he turned around, and made his way towards the door leaving me and Liam alone. Great!

I carried on walking, not waiting for Liam. I guess he would probably find someone else to follow. Someone who is way better that me and totally deserves him which I don't. I don't deserve Liam and that's why he felt the need to cheat on me...

"Z-zayn...turn around and look at me" His voice was weak but stern. I hesitantly stopped and turned to see his face covered with tears running down his flawlessly face. I didn't mean to make him cry. Even though Liam has smashed my heart, I still couldn't bare to see him in pain. I love him...

I quickly walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him. I hugged him tightly like I always did. It felt natural having him in my arms, having him snuggle into my arms but it didn't feel right getting cheated by him. It didn't and it hurt...

"Why did you kiss him, Li?"


So wat do you Zayn will do? 

Stay or Go!!! POOR ZIAM!

How will Liam explain?







Thx u so much 4 reading this shit ;)


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