cнαpтer 23

951 42 4

hey guys :)

nearrly finished with story :) :( haha! only 4 chapters left! 


*Louis' POV*

I was tired as fuck and my eyes wouldn't even drop for a second. I couldn't sleep for the whole of last night. Thoughts about Harry keeping me awake for whole 7 hours and that is the exact reason why I am sitting here drinking my 5th mug of coffee.

My head tiredly turned to the stairs when loud footsteps came down the stairs. Harry's tired eyes came in view as he grunting made his way towards the kitchen and sat down on the counter. His eyes were half closed and his forehead was frowning, deeply. Hangover.

Sighing, I grabbed some asprin and  a glass of water making as less sound as possible. Harry looked up, giving me a small smile as he took the asprin. I rubbed his back gently, trying to make him feel better.

"Why do you do it?" I asked. This question had been bugging for days and I needed an answer. Harry looked up again, his eyes confused as they stared deep into mine.

"Do what?!" he asked, he eyes frowning deeply. Harry's voice was husky, and it really wasn't helping me think straight right now.

"Get drunk, hook up with..people" I said and suddenly regretted as Harry's eyes turned dark and he stood up from the counter facing me.

"What? so are you calling me a player now?" He asked, his voice boiling up with every word. I backed up against the wall, suddenly feeling scared. This was definately not my Harry, my Harry didn't get angry at me. He never did. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as Harry's turned more cold. 

"Louis, just get this straight! This is my life and I don't need you taking care of me!" He said, practically shouting now as my sobs became louder.

"I am just looking out for you!"

"Well, I don't need you! Just get lost Louis! Why are interested in my life all of a sudden" 

"Because I am your best friend. I care about you!"

"Well, don't" he moved forward.

"WHY?! And don't you dare tell me what to do, Harry!" I moved forward

"I wouldn't as long as you stay out of mine" He moved closer

"Maybe I should, I don't want anything to with guy who doesn't care about my feelings" I snorted, moving closer to him

"What feelings, Louis?" He whipered, his lips centimetres away from mine. I stared into his eyes losing myself into him.

"Just feelings" I inched closer, my lips brushing against his as are eyes battled against each other staring deeply. Harry's eyes were soft again and he had a caring look in his eyes again but that was gone when my lips brushed his and his eyes turned cold again. He pushed me away.

"Stay the fuck out of my life, Louis" He said, as stormed out the kitchen. His hangover long forgotten and leaving me behind.

I stared after him, my eyes wide and more tears streamed down my face. I ran to my room locking it and crying hard. My body violently shaking as I cried myself to sleep.

Was loving Harry going to be this hard?


Sorry if it was short and shitty but it had to end here! :/ sorry

but anyways hope you like it and please don't forget to





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