cнαpтer 10

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The 10th chapter, could this get any better?

Thank to you all, you are reason I'm writing this chapter and it's amazing!

Love you!!

However, I'm kinda sad because this is not the happiest chapter but I promise it will get better soon ;)

Hope you like it!!



*Zayn's POV*

"Why did you kiss him, Li?"

"I dd d-dun-no...Zee, but I didn't mean to" He replied, he voice muffled as his face was hidden in my chest. His grip on me growing thighter as he spoke each word...He sounded so innocent and vunerable and I almost wanted to forget everything and just hold this angle in my arms but I couldn't because I knew I needed to figure everything out.

"What do you mean, you don't know, Liam? You bloody cheated on me and then you lie to me and then you say you don't know?" My voice slightly raising, but I couldn't help it! I was angry at the fact that I wasn't good enough for Liam, I was angry that I was in love with Liam and I was angry that I could no longer save this relationship.

"I don't know, okay! We were just talking and the next thing I know that is that I was pinned against the wall!" he replied, snuggling out of my grasp, making me feel damn cold. I already miss his arms. I knew I would miss those lips, those arms and waking up next to him everysingle morning but this needed to be done...He deserves someone better and maybe Louis is that person...


"Yeah Zayn?"

"I think we need a break, I don't think we will be able to cope with this and I think we both need time to think" I said, as tears blurred into my eyes. I never imagined saying this words to him but I have to. Even if it breaks me more, I have to do this for both of us.

 Liam suddenly froze, I could see the colour draining from his face and his breathing quicken its pace. Next thing I know, tears are streaming down his face. 

"Yy-you don't mean that? Do you z-zayn?" He said, as the tears appeared for the third time on his flawless face. It emotionally killed me to see him like this but it's for his own good...I nodded my head, making clear what I meant what I said.

I know he will always be my first and last love...


*Liam's POV*

As soon as those words left his mouth, my world crashed. He wouldn't do that would he? But deep down I knew he meant it, so I did the only thing I could think of.

I tightly wrapped my arms around him, trying to get as much comfort I could find in it.

"Li, I really sorry, I dunno wanna do this either but I have to...because you deserve more"

I just shook my head and snuggled deeper into him, I didn't derserve anyone after what I did to Zayn...no one at all.

"Liam Payne, Could I get a one last kiss from you?"

And there I should, in the middle of the hospital sharing the last kiss with the love of my life....


so, what do you think?

I know it's really SHORT but It has to stop here!


Lilo or Ziam?

Let me see your





Margixxx (thanx u 4 getting this book to 10 chapters!) ;)

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