cнαpтer 5

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SO, I know the last chapter was really short but this one is going to long (MAYBE!) Also, this chapter is in Zayn's POV and is going to amazayn (MAYBE!)

I AM SO HAPPY!!!! this is Torn's 5th Chapter!!!! Thanx you so much for reading this story and also Torn has reached 10 votes!!! SO, Thanx you AGAIN for reading this story and KEEP ON READING because HALLOWEEN'S is this week and you are gonna be a dead person if you dont keep on reading this story!!!! (JK)

So hope you like this one, guys!!



*Zayn's POV*

We stood up, shaking hands with the Interviewer while waving our hands and saying bye to our fans. The Interview was finally over! I hate Interviews, not all but the ones where Liam is not with me. I just feel so alone and nervous! Whenever Liam is with me I would always feel better no matter what we were doing or where we were; Just being with him brightens up my whole life, I can't live with out my babe! I smile as I start to think about my boyfriend.

I didn't even notice that the Interviewer had left and Niall and Harry were smirking at me. Niall waved his hand in front of me, which finally caught my attention. I blushed as I saw them both smirking and smiling at me, already knowing who I was day dreaming about but It's not my problem that my boyfriend is amazingly beautiful!

"Shut Up!" I mumble, as I make my way out of the studio to our car, eager to get in Liam's arms, to feel his lips.

"So, we were dreaming about daddy direction, weren't we?" Harry said, making his annoying smirk even bigger, if that's even possible! I so wanna punch that smirk of his face!

"Oh my innocence! They were dirty thoughts were they?" Niall asked, pretending to look worried, I glared hard at him and If looks could kill, his innocence would be so dead by now!

"Can you two pl-

I was cut off my phone ringing, It was Liam.

"Hey Babe"

"Z-Zayn, Lou i-i-s in t-th-

"What happened to Louis? Are you ok, Li? I asked, worriedly. I knew that Liam was crying by his voice. He sounded so panicked (A/N Is that even a word?) and worried. Something was really not right! I looked at Harry and Niall; Niall had a confused look on his face while Harry just looked as scared as Liam sounded.

"I-I am ok, It's L-louis his in the H-osp-p-ital!" I nearly dropped my phone! Why the hell is Louis in the Hospital? I motioned Harry to the start the car, and mouthed 'hospital' to him so he knew where to take us. He looked shocked at visiting at the hospital but carried on driving.

"Liam, babe just stay there, we are going to get there soon."

"Z-zayn come quick-kly pls, I n-need y-y-ou!" His sobs had gotten worse and I knew he needed me. My heart seemed to cry everytime I heard him speak. I don't like it when Liam cries, It makes my whole world dull.

"I am going to be there soon, trust me. Everthing's gonna be fine! I love you" I said to Liam, I knew everything's not gonna be fine but I guess sometimes lying comforts you.

"I-I love you, too"

I ended the call, looking at the other two who looked worried sick and confused, I noticed they still didn't know what happened except the fact that someone is in the hospital.

"I dunno exactly know what happened but Lou is in the hospital. I didn't want to ask Liam what happened on the phone, you know" I asked, I felt like crying. We were in a bloody interview when Louis and Liam needed us the most! I hope Louis' okay! Even though we haven't been on the best terms, he still our friend and we can't live a day without him!

I looked over at Harry, his eyes were blurry and I knew he was crying. Louis and Harry were the closest and they shared everything with each other just like me and Liam. I knew I would cry if Liam was in Louis' situation. I don't even want to think about!

We finally arrived at the hospital, after a freaking long drive. We rushed through the parking lot and asked the lady at the reception for Louis Tomlinson.

"Room 278" She said, smiling at us.

We rushed out 'Thank you's" and hurried up to the lift to get to the second floor. As we came near Louis's room, I was pushed back by body running towards me, hugging me tightly. I immediately knew it was Liam by the way his body felt in mine.

I tightly wrapped my arms around him and he snuggled up to me. We didn't get to ask Liam what happened because he was still crying and the doctor had just came out of Louis' room.

"Is he okay? When can we see Louis?" Harry showered the doctor with questions as soon he came near.

Liam let out another loud sob when he heard Louis' name. I tighten my grip on him and kissed his forehead and his nose making him look up at him. My heart cracked, when I saw his face; his eyes were bloodshot red and his face was covered with salty tear marks. I smiled weakly at him and kissed his nose again. We stared at each other before he snuggled back into my neck.

I just hope Louis is ok...


SO how was it?

I know there isn't much action but promise it the next chapter you will find out how Louis is!

and don't worry I am not gonna make him die!


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