cнαpтer 25

976 44 7

hey! 2 more chapters left :)


*Louis' POV*

I was gonna talk to Harry. Tell him that he needed to stop doing whatever he was doing.  Stop blocking me out. 

"Harry!" I screamed on top of my lungs, smiling as his name rolled of my tongue loving the feeling of saying his name. 

"What do you do what? I told you stay away Lou" He had the same cold look in his eyes like he had the other day and his eyes held anger, making me feel uneasy. I had never seen this side of Harry and to be honest it scared  me to think that this side of Harry existed.

His hair didn't have thier usual bounce and they seemed dull and his under his eyes were dark circles as he obviously hadn't gotten enough sleep. His eyes were not their usual shade of green and they too had a darkness to them. And it didn't take me long to figure out that he had been crying.

"Harry...please just tell me what is going on?" I said, my voice sound as gentle as possibly. His eyes soften and I finally thought that he would open up but I was proved wrong when his eyes turned again and his hands clenched as he glared at me.

"No No NO! Just say away, You don't care about me and don't care about me either cause I don't need you!"

His words cut through me like a knife and I had to hold my self together so that I wouldn't break down. He thought I didn't care about him, of course I did more than he would ever know. Harry meant something to me, a lot to me actually and I didn't want him to leave me, ever. 

"Harry please, I am sorry for whatever I did! Just please don't push me away. I care about you and you need to get that in your thick skull!"

"You and care about me? Louis, you see the thing is you don't care about me and you don't have to! I am not going to force you too, but I am going to ask you to leave me alone cause I don't have any energry to deal with this right now!"

"You don't have energy to talk to your friend, who loves you and care about you! Harry, what the fuck is going on with you! I am going crazy here, tyring to frigure out what is happening to you and all that matters to you is your stupid energy? Harry... what happened to us? Everything was fine and now..everything is ju-

"Everything is alright and you don't have to worry about anything just stay out?" The gentleness in his voice was back leaving me stunned for a while. His tone was desperate and his eyes held a look telling me he was fine but at the same time his eyes were begging me hold him.

As he turned away to walk away from me again, I did the only thing I could think of doing right now.

Grabbing Harry's wrist, I turned him around. His face held a blank look as he stared at me but my mind was currently dizzy at the feeling of Harry's skin under my fingers. After snapping out it, my eyes found Harrys and we both stood there. Just staring into each other. 

I gulped as I moved forward, pressing my body against Harry. His hands slowly moved to my waist holding me against him, his eyes never leaving mine. My hand hestiantly rested on his neck, My lips inching forward as every second past by. Finally, Harry leaned down, him being slightly taller than me. 

My mind was totally blank and I had no control what so ever at my actions. My skin burning against Harry's touch and begging more of it as I brushed my lips against them. 

"I am not staying away, Harry" 

I said, just as Harry's lips grab my me closer and planted his lips on mine. It was slow kiss, both of us really not sure what the other wanted. Harry hands pulled me closer to his warm body and my hands tighten around his neck and he leaned down towards me more. His lips moving against mine swiftly and slowly being as gentle as he could. My eyes were closed and occasionally my nose would bump against Harry's giving us more connect of each other.

Soon the slow kiss turned into more, as Harry deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth not leaving anything untouched. My feet were shuffling, until I felt Harry's back hit the wall and my hands moved from his neck to the wall on either side of his face, trapping him in as I placed my hands beside his head. 

I sucked in air, as the kiss grew more urgent and Harry gripped my hair and nibbled at my earlobe, leaving me a shaking mess. Moaning desperately as Harry's teeth bit into me. Soon, I pulled Harry back into a sweet kiss. He pulled away and his forehead was against mine as I smiled up at him.

"I think I love you Harry"

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do" I replied, blushing deeply as Harry pulled me yet into another kiss. It didn't last for long and his lips were off mine as quick as lighting. I whimpered at the lack of contact and he sighed kissing me again. 

"I love you so so much, It hurts Lou. It's pained me when you held Liam in those arms, It pained me when you kissed Liam and it pained me when you told me that you loved him. So, so much"

I looked up shocked. He loved me all these time while I mopping over someone else. I felt stupid for hurting him, stupid for making him go through this and I didn't realize he was crying until I felt satly tears brush against my cheeks.

I whimpered, gently wiping away his tears and kissing him tenderly as I smiled up at him.

"I am sorry Harry. I ju- I didn't know you liked me and I am so so sorry but now I am here and I am not leaving you again. Promise. I love you Harry"

"I love you too, Boobear"




Yeah!! Larry's together :)  hope this chapter made up for the last updates and now only 2 more chapters left! :)





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