cнαpтer 1

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Hey Guys! This is the first chapter!


*Liam's POV*

I woke up, feeling a trail of kisses being placed down my face and my neck. My eyes clenched shut in pleasure as uncontrollable shivers ran through me.

"Not now Zayn, I am trying to sleep here!" I croaked out, my voice hoarse from all the sleep. I turned around and pulled the blankets closer to me so that I could cuddle back into them. I was planning to go back to the heaven that was sleep but sadly someone had some other plans for me.

"Naww, I want a kiss!" Zayn said, climbing on top of me, making me groan at the weight of his body. I tried to turn my head around, not even daring to open my eyes because I knew I wouldn't be able to resist my boyfriend's pout and his lips, and yeah you heard it right. Zayn's my boyfriend! We have been dating for about a month now and I can gladly say that I am the happiest human being in the world right now. I was in love with Zayn and It was an incredible feeling. I loved Zayn. I loved the way he always comforts me when I am down, how he always knows when something is wrong with and most of all I love the way he treats me..but there is something I can't explain. This is has absolutely nothing to do with Zayn, It's Louis! I feel kind of attracted to him but I know I don't like him, I knew, I only liked Zayn and I was only willing to like Zayn, no one else! But then, how do I explain all those butterflies, all those tingles and all those blushes whenever Louis' near me or touches me. I can-

"Hey! Don't go back to sleep...I want a kiss from you!" Zayn's voice brought me back to earth, I finally turned my head, opened my eyes and facing my sexy boyfriend. I smirked as I wrapped my hands around his waist, pulling him impossibly close. I steadily looked up, glancing up into his amazing hazel eyes, losing myself quickly into them. I could feel his warm breath on my face making goosebumps creep up on my skin. His lips were slightly apart, making it impossible for me to resist them. I could feel myself going weak all of a sudden, as my eyes roamed over his perfect jawline and his model-like perfect skin. I squeezed my eyes closed in pleasure, wishing deeply Zayn didn't have this effect on me.

I slowly leaned towards him and roughly pressed my lips to his. His lips tasted like cigarettes and mint, making me desire him more. I desperately ask for an entrance wanting to explore every inch and corner of his mouth. Being the lovely boyfriend he is, he decided to tease me by refusing. Well... It's on Malik! One of my hands seeked towards his back, tracing lightly on his skin while my other hand travelled down to his bum, grabbing a handful of it. Zayn immediately let out a moan whimpering against my lip. I took my chance and slid my tongue in to explore his mouth. He let another moan out when he realized what I had done.

I didn't want to let go but we were both painfully running out of breath so I pulled away resting my head against his chest feeling his racing heart beat, making me relax. This is where I want to be for the rest of my life, in the arms of the boy who I love.

"Good Morning, Babe" Zayn said, smiling down at me, making my world freeze instantly

"It is officially the best morning ever, thanks to you" I said, smiling back at him and then slowly snuggling closer to him. He kissed my hair and then ran his magical hands through them. This was a perfect mome-

"Oi, YOU LOVE BIRDS! HURRY UP AND COME DOWNSTAIRS IF YOU WANT BREAKFAST!" Harry yelled and what a great way of ruining a moment. Zayn groaned thinking the same as me and let go of me. Now, it was my turn to groan as I lost the warmth of his body. Zayn smirked, pulling me out of the bed. We made our way down the stairs and entered the kitchen, the other boys were already there.

"Finally, I thought you were gonna eat each other for breakfast!" Harry smirked, handing us our breakfast. Zayn glared at him. The boys already knew about us, they were quite supportive for us. We haven't told the fans yet as we were totally not ready for the hate yet but I knew as long we were their for each other we would be fine.

"Ohhh, my innocent ears!" Niall said, covering his ears, then going back to his fourth plate of pancakes. This made us all laugh, that guy can eat for the whole of his life but will never get full.

"Can we please not talk about people snogging, I am eating here and it gives me sick thoughts!!" Louis said, making all of us shut up our mouths. I don't know why he acted like this, he always gets annoyed whenever someone talks about me and Zayn. At first, me and Zayn thought he was homophobic but Harry talked to him about it and he said that Louis wasn't. Harry knew why Louis acted like this but he wouldn't tell us, whenever I would ask why, he just says that Louis will tell us when he is ready.

It hurts when Louis said stuff like that, he's both mine and Zayn's best friend and we want his full approval. I don't know what to do about it, I asked Zayn if I should talk to Louis about it but he just told me what Harry said. Have I done something wrong? Why is Louis so cold towards us?

I sighed, feeling hurt and confused.

"You okay, Li?" Zayn asked, looking up at me, his eyes filled with worry.

I nodded, putting my head on his shoulder, wanting to feel warm again. As soon as my head hit Zayn'sshoulder, Louis pushed his breakfast away and stormed off to his room, slamming the door shut. I quickly pulled away from Zayn's shoulder and watched as Harry ran to Louis room telling him to unlock the door.

There was only one thing on my mind....

What is up with Louis?


I know it's really short but It's my first chapter and it's really hard to start off!!!!!

I promise to make the next chapter a lot longer! PINKY PROMISE!

So I hope you like and tell me what you think!!



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