cнαpтer 17

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Hey :)

First of all who watched the boys at Brits awards? :D they were totally amazing and smashed their performance <3

So my last chapter got deleted and I had to write it again, that's the reason for the late update :/ sorry.

Also, if you ship Lilo check out my story called "Truly, Madly, Deeply"

and if you ship Lirry then go and check out my other story called "Summer Love" :D

if you like Ziam, then just stay here and carry on reading :) :) :)





*Louis' POV*

I squeezed my eyes shut, as the rays of sunshine hit the room. I opened them again, slowly adjusting to the light. Should have closed the curtains last night. Looking down I noticed a mop of brown hair on my chest. The events of last nights came back to me as my eyes scanned over Liam's sleeping body. I could feel his feet that were tangled with mine and his arms were lightly pressed on my chest. His face held a relaxed look even though there was slight frown on his forehead. Making him look incredibly cute. I could now imagine how Zayn must have felt waking up to Liam every morning. It was heaven.

I could hear muffled voices coming from the kitchen downstairs. Stretching slightly, I turned towards the bedside table, picking my phone up I checked the time. It was already 10am. I groaned at the thought of getting out of bed, it was so warm and comfortable with Liam's body pressed next to mine. But I had to talk to Zayn, had to fix somethings. I gently lifted Liam up from my chest, pressing his body slowly on the empty side of the body. I stopped my movements immediately, when he started to stir. He let out a tired yawn before turning away from me and going soundly back to his sleep. I slowly lifted myself up from the bed and went to my room. I strode towards my opened bathroom, grabbing the brush weakly.

After I had freshened up, I made my way downstairs. The smell of Harry's bacon immediately crawled up nostrils, waking me up more. I walked into the kitchen where Harry was cooking with a pink apron on and I inwardly had to roll my eyes at that sight while Niall was situated on the counter, patiently waiting for his breakfast. They both gave me a small and a bunch of "good morning" before returning back to their jobs.

"Have you guys seen Zayn?" I asked, as I sipped on the glass of water, Harry had offered me.

"Think, his in the back garden" Niall said. I gave him a small nod before stroding off towards the back garden. As I opened the door a stronge breeze of wind hit making me wish I had a hoody on. My eyes glanced around before landing on Zayn who was sitting near the swimming pool staring blankly at the water. I silently made my way towards him, slipping in next to him.

"Hey" I said, as he still hadn't noticed my presence. His head snapped up to meet mine. His eyes were the same as Liam's if not even worse. They were bloodshot red, signalling he had been crying as much as Liam last night and his eyes had lost their usual spark. They were just a boring shade of hazel right now. He had a confused frown on his face and his hair was not styled for the first time. 

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