cнαpтer 27

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last chapter! can you believe it? I finished my first story! :) aww but so sad it's over, i enjoyed writing this story so much!

But I am not keep you waiting, I will write the thanks giving speech at the end of this chapter! :)

so here the last chapter :') It's a bit like a epilogue, it might be short but hope you like it :D


*3rd Person's POV*

~2 years later~

Liam and Zayn had the perfect relationship, yeah sure they had their ups and downs but it the end they would always end up each others arms. Loving each other, kissing each other and just being there for each other. They were inseparable, always in need of each other's touch, each other's presence.

They had grown so much as a couple and as individuals. And they were not the only ones. Louis, Harry and Niall had grown too. Niall had found a guy called Noah. They had just known each other since a year but they were head over heels in love with each other. And then there was Louis and Harry, they were perfect and Louis had just recently proposed to Harry asking him to be his forever. Every one was happy and they were happy.

They were still going strong as a band, still having girls falling at their feet even though they were gay. They loved their fans for still supporting them and loving them no matter what. 

And now there was only one thing left to do now and Zayn wanted to do that as soon as possible. 

It was a saturday night and Liam and Zayn were having their usual movie night. The boys had been very busy the past week with recording their new album and boys hardly had any time for themselves. 

Zayn couldn't help but stare at the angel in his lap. He loved the way Liam's eyes were sparkling with joy as he watched his favourite movie. His eyes not wanting to miss any bit of the movie. Zayn watched as Liam chuckled, crinkles forming by his eyes as he did so and Zayn couldn't help but move a piece of Liam's hair to the side. 

Liam looked up, his eyes finding Zayn's as smiled. It was a sweet small smile, that was reserved for only Zayn and Zayn loved that. He just loved Liam. Zayn sighed, weaving his fingers through Liam's hand staring fondly at brown eyed boy.

"Marry Me Liam" Zayn asked. His body rigid as he waited for Liam to reply, as he did by kissing him. Liam's sweetly moved his lips against Zayn's and snaked his arms around his neck holding Zayn close to his body. Zayn pulled away when he felt salty tears on his nose. 

"Yes, a million times" Liam mumbled against Zayn lips, sealing his answer with a kiss. Liam put his everything into the kiss, the joy too much for him to handle as he slid Zayn down onto the coach, moving on top of him. The movie long forgotten.

Liam giggled like he always did when Zayn sucked on his bottom lip. Liam's eyes were closed but when he opened them, he found himself staring back into the hazel eyes he loved so so much. Zayn smiled like he had never before.

"I love you Liam"

"I Love you too Zayn"


that's it! it's officially over :') hope you like the ziam proposal, i wanted it to be different from all the proposals. I wanted it to be relaxed and mermorable so I though why not this! and ye I know it was really shit and shot and there hardly any description but now that I have finished this story, I am gonna edit and try to make it better! :D

anyways guys, this story's done and really hope you enjoyed it as much I enjoyed writing it :) thank you so much for all the votes and comments :) If you hadn't read this story I wouldn'y have been able to finish so thank you so much guys :) I love you and thannk you so so much xxx

And now I am go grab some ice-cream and watch some toy story and cry because I finished my first and because you guys are amazing! haha no joking but again thank you so much guys :)




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