cнαpтer 18

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Hey Guys, 


I just wanna say I am really not pleased with the votes and comments that I recieved in the last chapter! Please If you read don't forget to vote and comment it does mean a lot :)


There only about 10 more chapter left in this story :) So please keep on reading and voting


Hope you like it!




*Zayn's POV*

Liam's hair were messed up but it looked perfect like always. Under his eyes there were dark black shadows which clearly told me he hadn't got enough sleep over the past couple of days. Not only that, his face held a huge frown immediately telling me he wasn't having the best sleep either. Although Liam looked tired, he still was a sight of beauty and so I stood there staring at him getting my breath back.

My mind still hadn't processed what Louis told me. I was angry; angry at Liam, angry at Louis, angry at everyone but mostly at myself. I let the most important person in my life hurt themself. I hurt Liam. I never wanted that to happen, he meant the world to me and always will. I just can't believe he did that to himself. But no more of that, I am gonna protect him and never let him go again. I never will make the same mistake again -ever again. 

"I'm Sorry, Li" I say to his sleeping form as I let myself slowly slip next to him in his warm bed. As I edged closer to his face, I felt his hot breath on my skin and like the old times I had a stronge urge to just smash my lips against his but this time it wasn't that easy. This time he wasn't mine. 

Sighing I slowly lifted up his body and layed his body down closer to mine. I closed my just enjoying the feeling of holding Liam again; loving the warmth his body gave me. I urgently snaked my arms around him needing more contact with his body. I could feel him stir as he started waking up but I didn't say anything. I couldn't  say anything. I just didn't know how make up for the pain I had given him, I just hoped he would forgive me cause I need him more than anything. Now thinking back, I just don't how I lived without him these past days -it was hell. 

"Zayn...?" Liam tired eyes slowly found mine and they still looked perfect. They were still the deep shade of brown like before and they still had the power to catch my attention instantly but they didn't have their spark. They looked dull, lonely and that was all because of me. I never realised how much I missed looking into those eyes. The eyes that could easily light up my world any second.

Without thinking, I cupped Liam's cheeks and pulled him closer. His eyes widened as they trailed my movements before meeting my eyes again. I edged my lips forward and Liam hestiantly closed his eyes just like he had the first time we shared a kiss. I smiled before brushing my lips against Liam's dry ones. Liam grabbed on my hair for his dear life and parted his lips slightly not moving them any futher. Moving closer to him, I trapped his bottom lip between my lips biting on it slightly. It was one of Liam's major weaknesses. I relaxed as Liam tangled his hands through my hair, pulling on them roughly as he let out a pleading whimper. I chuckled against his lips before moving my body over his and placing my lips on his. My heart thumping loudly against my chest. Liam. Liam's lips.

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