𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆- 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈

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The next morning

You wake up, still not over the thing that happened yesterday. You feel a bit sick. You go downstairs and see only Vanessa. 'Goodmorning sleepyhead'. You look at Vanessa en yawn. 'Morning V'. 'I made you pancakes!!!'. You smile 'Thank you'. You eat your pancakes and grabbed your phone. There were 50 messages from Tom. And all the messages were like: 'Your beautifull' or 'I love you' or 'I am the the only one who can touch you' and whatever you want Tom to say. You were blushing so hard. 'Someones blushing i see'. Micheal came in. 'Oh goodmorning Micheal, thank you for yesterday'. 'Y/n you said that 5 times now'. Vanessa gave Micheal a death stare. 'She is just gratefull'. You laugh. When Vanessa grabbed her phone and looked on the news, she spitted you her coffee. 'What's going on??' You ask. 'Y/n, don't look at the news'. You grabbed your phone and looked at then news. 'I said don't look at the news'. You look up. 'You know i don't listen to that'. You first artical you saw was: Y/n Y/l/n was sexually assaulted in the Londen Park, Tom Felton was not there'. Now you know why Tom sended you all those messages, he felt guilty for the accident so he spammed you with all those messages.

Toms Pov

I couldn't sleep. I've been thinking about Y/n and how that group of men touched her. So now i'm tired and i don't think i'm ready to film today. And the paparazzi saw what happend yesterday and took photos of her and the man. I saw them to. It was disgusting. People were saying that it's my fault that this happend. I'm getting alot of hate right now. I felt guilty for not being there, so i spammed Y/n with alot lovely messages.

Back to you again

Tom felt guilty for not being there. You message him with: 'Baby it's not your fault you weren't with me when it happened' Tom texted back with: 'It is, i have to film Origin now, bye.' You look confused at your phone. 'Good luck! I love you!' Tom answers with 'Yeah bye' and hes offline again. You go offline to. 'Tom isn't happy with the news, hes moody as fuck'. Vanessa looks up from her phone. 'Give him some time, it will be alright'. You nod. 'What are we going to do today?'. Vanessa looked at you confused. 'Y/n maybe its better you stay-' 'No im fine really, so what are we going to do today?' Vanessa looked at you, still confused. 'Maybe shopping?'. You smile. 'I love that!'. After you got breakfast you guys go shopping. You first a text from Tom:
Tom: Hello darling! What are you going to do today?
You: Hello moodyhead, shopping.
Tom: Did you think i was moody? Sorry dear, i'm just tired, didn't sleep last night. And shopping? Great fun! I have a present for you to!
You: Why didn't you sleep? And what kind of suprise?
Tom: I was thinking about what happened to you and you will see the suprise soon ;)
You: Oh okay! Love you!
Tom: Love you to my love!

'I got a present from Tom' you say to Vanessa. 'Oh, what kind??' Vanessa looked intrested, she loves suprises. 'I don't know, we will see'. Like 5 minutes later you guys arrive in the shopping center. 'I can spend 2000 dollars today!' Vanessa says. 'That's a lot! I can spend thousand- 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS?! You almost scream. 'I think i know Toms suprise' says Vanessa laughing. 'That man is crazy i swear to God' and you text him.
You: Okay Tom, i know you love to spoil me but 10 000 dollars?!
Tom: Haha, you know me to well. I want you to get whatever you want darling! Spoiling you is my job.
You: And this isn't about the paparazzi thing right?
Tom: Well... ehm no.
You: Tom it isn't your fault.
Tom calls you

Tom: Listen darling, it's my fault. I wasn't there for you and if i was there it didn't happen okay?
You: You couldn't help it that you were on the Origin set and i-
Tom: Oh shut up Y/n, it is my fucking fault, just stop keep saying 'It isn't your fault' because it is. Okay?! Please, you make me angry Jesus. And if i didn't have a relationship with you it wouldn't have happened to.
You had tears in your eyes. 'If i hadn't been in a relationship with you' he never said that to you. You didn't say anything.
Tom: You still there? Talk to me!!!!!!
You: 'If i didn't have relationship with you' ?! Are you fucking kidding me?? Fuck you Tom.
Then Tom realizing what he just said.
Tom: D-darling i'm-
You: Don't darling me. Bye Tom.
Tom: No-

You hang up still with tears in your eyes. You didn't want to spend Toms money anymore, so you spended the money that you had before Tom storted 10 000 dollars on your bank account. When you and Vanessa got back you guys buyed alot of clothes (Just in your style so you can choose what kind of clothing you got yourself). You had 20 messages from Tom. It were messages like 'Im sorry baby' or 'Please call me' and 'Did i lose you or did i fucked up' and 'facetime please?' You reply with: Fine. We can facetime.

On the facetime

You saw Tom smile when he saw you, and you saw he cried. 'H-hello my love, i'm really sorry about what i said to you, it just- i wasn't there and you-' You sigh. 'Its fine Tom really.' He smiles. 'Really? I love you! And did you spend the money well???'. 'No, i spended the money that i had before you storted 10 000 dollars on my account'. 'Oh, did you get what you wanted darling?' You smile. 'Yes'. Now Tom is smiling to. 'Im happy to hear that darling, i love you! I have to go now, i am already late'. You laugh. 'Bye Tom, i love you more!' He smiles and hangs up.

Sorry for the bad chapter, i had writers block. But i hope you guys still like it!!!

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