𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆- 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌

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Warning: Death threats

What did I do? Tom was gone and God knows where he is. I let myself fall on the couch and grabbed my phone. I texted Nick, my guy best friend, he could cheer me up when I was sad or frustrated besides Tom.
Me- Hey Nick, I fucked up, could we please get a coffee to cheer me a little up?
Nick- No problem, I'll be there in half an hour.
I smiled and got ready.

After 30 minutes I finally heard the bell and Nick stood there.
Nick- Hello.
Me- Hi
I saw that he had hickeys on his neck.
Me- Whats that on ur neck?
Nick- Oh uhm just a guy I was seeing.
Me- Damn good job
Nick blushed a little
Nick- So, why were u sad?
I explained everything and Nick hugged me.
Nick- Couple fights are are the worst, come on, let's go grab a coffee.
I grabbed my coat and we walked out.

It was fun being with Nick again, he tells the craziest stories, what always makes me laugh. We arrived at Starbucks and ordered our coffee, I ordered Toms favorite. I took a sip from the coffee and smiled a little. When we walked out Nick wrapped an arm around me. We both didn't saw that the paparazzi was spying on us. He laughed together.
Nick- So I'm in the gay bar, and this guy comes up to me. He's like: 'Hey handsome, what's ur name?' And I have to tell u, he was HOT, so I introduced myself and then we got talked further. He's name was Alan by the way. Later he paid my drinks and then we got to his place. And then yeah, I had the best sex of my life.
Me- So that are Alan his hickeys?
Nick- Yes, I didn't want to hide them, I'm proud I could pull a hot man like him.
I giggled while he talked more about Alan.

It's been 3 hours and Nick is going home now, he kissed my cheek and stepped in his car.
Nick- It was good seeing u again!
Me- It was good seeing u again to!
We both smiled and Nick drove away.
I asked Derek to watch the twins since he's asking it all the time.

I walked in and saw Derek holding Harry.
Derek- I think u gave birth to the real Harry Potter! He keeps throwing Draco away.
I giggled and kissed Harry his head.
Derek- Who was that man who drove away?
Me- Oh that's Nick, a friend of mine.
Derek- Is Tom aware that ur hanging out with an guy since u two had an fight?
Me- How do u know we were fighting?
Derek- Tom told me, he called me, he was furious.
Me- Tom isn't aware that I hang out with him, but Nick is gay.
Derek- Ahh alright alright, well, I gotta go home, my girlfriend is coming home today, so I wanna prepare an romantic date.
Derek stood up and walked to the hallway.
Me- Use an condom!
I heard Derek laugh and then he left.

An hour later my phone exploded with messages. I forgot to turn of my DM notifications, I decided to open some and it were death threats. 'Just kys so Emma and Tom could be together' 'Ur an slut and Tom doesn't deserve u, just kys already' 'That Tom and Emma hang out together doesn't mean u can be that comfortable around another kan'
I had tears in my eyes while I read the messages. The fan pages were full with paparazzi photos of me and Nick. What am I gonna do now?

10 minutes Tom came back.
Tom- So this is ur revenge? Cheating on me with some guy?
He looked furious.
Me- What? No! I would never fucking cheat on u and u know that!
I couldn't say anything back, I just stood there while tears formed in my eyes.
Me- It wasn't cheating, he doesn't-
I stopped my sentence trying not to cry.
Tom- Oh yeah, he doesn't what hm? Finish ur sentence.
I just looked at him, I just couldn't believe he thought I was cheating on him.
He looked in ur eyes, which were full with anger. He stepped forward.
I backed away scared.
Me- H-he doesn't even like girls...
Tom- What?
His eyes softened.

I couldn't hold it anymore and upstairs crying.

Toms POV
Y/n- He doesn't even like girls.
I saw fear in her eyes. My eyes softened.
Me- What?
That was the only thing that I could say, I felt bad. My fiancé was standing in front of me scared, because of me, I couldn't say anything more, 5 seconds later Y/n ran upstairs crying.

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