𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏- 𝑵𝒆𝒘𝒔

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'Twins?'. The docter nodded. Then i saw Y/ns eyes slowly open.
'Shes waking up docter'. 'I'll leave you two alone' the docter said and walked away. I walked up to her and slowly stroked her cheek. 'Hey darling'.
She looked at me and smiled. 'Hi'.
I sat on her bed and stroked her hair. 'Try to sit up my love'. She tried to sit up and i helped her. Then Daniel, Rupert, Oliver and James came in. 'Hey girl, you were drunk to much?'.
I gave Oliver a little death stare.
Y/n shook her head. Oliver laughed a bit. 'What happened then?' Daniel asked. 'Well, i felt dizzy and i wasn't drunk or something, then i fainted'. I looked concerned. 'Who gave you the drinks?' i asked. 'Lisa and V, but i was with them when they ordered'. I nodded. I knew why she fainted. But i didn't want to say it, if Oliver, James, Rupert and Daniel were here. 'Can we have an moment alone boys?'. The boys looked confused but nodded, and they walked out.

~Your POV💚~

The boys walked out the room. It was only me and Tom. 'Is there a problem baby?'. Tom shook his head. 'No, but there is something going on with the pregnancy'. I looked concorned. 'Tell me'. Tom grabbed my hand that maked me even more scared. 'Baby.... We're having twins'. At that moment i didn't know how to feel. Happiness or scared. There was so much emotion going on in my head. 'Oh my darling, come here'. Tom layed next to me and wrapped his arms around me. 'I don't know if i can do this...'. Tom stroked my hair. 'Your strong, i know that, and i'm with you, every step of this pregnancy, pinky promise'. Tom grabbed my pink with his pink and i laughed. 'I want to go home'. Tom smiled. 'I don't know if you can right now, it's midnight and you just woke up'. I looked sad. Then we heard a knock on the door. 'Can we come again?'. Tom laughed. 'Sure!'. They came in. 'I'm hungry, who come and get some food with us' Daniel asked. Tom and Rupert raised their hands. 'We watch on the drunk girl' Oliver said. Tom slapped his arm and they walked out.

'So, do you have a idea who punched the shit out of you yet?'. I shook my head. 'No, but i'm trying'. Then Oliver and James looked at eachother, looked at you and smiled. 'What's so funny?'. 'What if we are gonna be a detective trio and gonna find out together who beated you up'. I face lighted up. I wanted this. I wanted help. 'I would love it!'. You, James, Oliver talk for an while and then the other boys came in again with some food.

'We're back!'. Tom gave me some macaroni. 'Thank you'. I began to eat. I didn't like it. The hospital food was gross here. But i had no choice, i had to eat it. Then a docter came in. 'Miss Y/l/n, you can leave tommorow morning, you and the babies are-. Then James interrupted. 'Babies? You guys are having twins?'. Tom and i smiled and nodded. 'Well, congrats'. The docter smiled. 'You and the babies are complety fine, so you can leave tommorow' the docter said and he walked out. 'One of the babies has be named James'. I looked at him. 'What if its are two girls?'. James maked an thinking face. 'Jamie or Janice'. Tom laughed. We sat in the hospital for a while and James, Rupert, Oliver and Daniel left. Tom stayed with you.

'I want to talk about you about something' Tom said. 'What is it darling?'. Tom grabbed his phone and showed me a picture. This was what i was afraid of. He saw the photo of me and that man kissing my neck. 'It's not what it looks like'. Tom looked at me. 'Did you cheat on me?'. I kissed his cheek. 'Ofcourse not, i was in the club, and that man looked at me from the bar, when i was going dancing with V and the other girls, that man walked up to me and started to kiss my neck, i tried to pull away but he was stronger, so i kicked him and he letted me go from pain, paparazzi maked a drama from it and maked pictures, they say that i was trying to pull away, they just didn't care. I love you and i always will'. Tom smiled and kissed me softly. Then i snuggled in his arms. 'Goodnight baby, i love you!'. Tom smiled and kissed my head. 'Goodnight, i love you to'.

*Next Morning*

We woke up around 10 a clock. Tom helped me sit up and got dressed. We ate breakfast and we packed our things. Ready to go home. We walked out and there was paparazzi all over the place. 'Follow me, and keep with me, hold my hand'. I grabbed his hand and walked out together. 'Tom, is it true that Y/n cheated on you?'. 'Can i have your attention Y/n? Is it true that your pregnant from that guy from the club?'. I didn't know where the fuck they got that from but i just ignored it and we walked to the car. We quickly drove away because the paparazzi kept following us. 'Sorry about the paparazzi all the time, sometimes i hate being famous'. I laughed a bit. 'It's fine, you can't help it that people are so fucking obsessed with you'. Tom laughed and placed his hand on my thigh. I got butterflies. I love it when he does that. It make me feel a bit safe. 'I want to go to the mall'. I looked at him. 'For?'. He smiled. 'I want to make pizza tonight'.

We arrived at the mall. We stepped out of the car and goes inside the mall. There was alot of things. But Tom only came for pizza stuff. Then he saw bear hands oven gloves. 'Oh my god darling i need this'. I looked at him, looked at the gloves and looked at him again. He ignored me and grabbed the gloves. I laughed a bit. We were searching for pizza dough and tomato sauce, and when we got all of that, we went to the cashier and payed our stuff. We walked outside and i saw Tom packing his new gloves. 'Tom don't-'. To late, he already grabbed them and putted them on. He grabbed my cheek with both gloves and kissed me. 'Your such a child' i said laughing and stepped in the car. I grabbed Tom gloves of his hands and threwed them on the backseat. 'Hey! That's mine!'. I rolled my eyes laughing. 'You get them back home, if your nice to me and play One Direction songs'. He rolled his eyes. 'What is so fun abt One Direction?'. I glared at him. 'Excuse you?' i said. Tom quickly turned the radio on and we vibed to the music.

Hey guys! The chapter would be to long if i added the making pizza part to! So you guys see that in the next chapter!😘

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