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Skye had officially become a SHIELD agent and Nina couldn't have been prouder of her. The new agent had worked so hard for an organisation she was yet to be part of and Nina believed, without a doubt in her mind, that no one deserved a badge more than Skye. After the impromptu celebration, Nina had retreated to the cockpit, to not only get away from the prying eyes wishing to get a glimpse on the great Executioner but to also give Ward some much needed time with the girl he refused to admit he had feelings for.

"Want some company?" Nina asked as she swung open the door. May was sitting there, piloting the plane despite the lack of a location. She tensed at the voice but relaxed as it registered as Nina's.

"Does it matter? Whatever answer I give, you're going to make yourself comfortable," she asked and Nina chuckled, letting the door shut behind her as she dropped into the copilot seat.

"You know me so well," Nina said with a grin as she brought her feet up to the dash. May was quick to swat her away, saying something about her almost pressing a button that would have sent the plane into a nosedive. Needless to say, Nina's feet were planted on the floor immediately after.

"Why are you hiding in here?" Nina asked after a shared moment of silence, "I half expected you to be abusing a punching bag in the training room."

"That sorta chaos is more your thing, Nina. Plus I'm not hiding, I'm flying," May responded as she focused on the sky, Nina took that as a way of saying there were too many people on the plane and she didn't want to socialize with people she couldn't bring herself to care about. "why are you here?"

"Nothing else to do, also Coulson just benched me so I'm trying not to be pissed," she told her, referring to how Coulson had pulled her aside to tell her that she would remain on the Bus with Skye while the rest of the team went out, "something about me not playing well with others."

"He's not wrong about that,"

"Like you are any better than me," Nina was about to comment further, tease May a little bit but she was cut off by an excessive beeping coming from the radio. The sound caused May to sigh deeply and she reached out to press a couple of buttons.

"It keeps doing this," she told Nina, "I had Fitz check it out but he says it's fine."

The beeping reminded Nina of something and she froze, taking the sound in. It took her a few seconds before she could locate the memory she needed but the moment she did, she lit up. Both in concern and shock. Before May could restart the radio, Nina grabbed her hand, pulling it away from the machine.

"What are y-" May tried to speak but Nina raised a hand to quiet her. To any normal person, the beeping would have been just that, beeping, but to Nina, it was so much more than that. It was matter of life and death.

"It's Natasha," Nina said after a moment of silence and May's eyes widen at the idea of the thing she'd seen as nothing but a nuisance was coming directly from an Avenger, "pen. I need a pen."

May was quick to hand Nina a pen and the notebook she used to log her flights. Nina closed her eyes, bringing the pen to the paper and listening to the beeping. She wrote down the letters that corresponded with the beeps and only opened her eyes when the sequence began to repeat itself.

She looked down at the notebook, reading the word she wrote as her heart began to race in her chest. A message from Natasha was never good, but the word staring up at Nina was the worst-case scenario.

"Bluebell," May said reading over her shoulder, "what does that mean?"

"I- I don't know," Nina said with a looking up to May startled, "Natasha and Clint taught me how to decipher the beeps and what certain codes meant but... I've never heard bluebell before."

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