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There's gonna be a bunch of flashbacks in the 2nd half of this chapter. They are what's going on in Nina's head during the scene and are indicated by the italics. I'm sorry if it confuses you a little but feel free to private message me if you've got any questions.


Audrey Nathan was safe. That knowledge was enough to soothe Coulson's aching heart. He loved her, he loved that cellist so much but to her, he was dead, to everyone outside of his small team he had to be dead. He was grateful for that and the handful of agents he led... the handful of agents he'd somehow managed to lose track of along with a massive plane. 

"Play it again," Coulson said as he watched the monitor. Trip and FitzSimmons were in Koenig's office with him, all watching the screen showing the tampered security tapes over and over again.

"It's the same every time, sir," Fitz said with a frown. Coulson gave him a look and he elaborated, "as I said all internal cameras feed were erased but the hangar's landing assist system is separate. The camera tracks movement. So, after we left, everything's normal until this."

Fitz pressed a few buttons and the monitor displayed May. She was dressed in her thick winter gear, holding a duffle bag as she exited the Bus. The agent was alone and didn't show any hesitation as she left the vehicle, her actions solidified that she had no intention of coming back. Coulson frowned once he noticed that, knowing her departure was his fault.

"An entry log has May leaving the base a few minutes later through the front door, only her," Simmons added on with a quick nod as she looked down at the tablet in her hand.

"And then we have this," Fitz fast forwards the tape and everyone watched as Ward and Skye entered the Bus, hand in hand, "soon after, the plane takes off."

"But where are they going?" Coulson asked confused, "and where are Koenig and Nina?"

At the mention of his girlfriend's name, Fitz bit his bottom lip. He was worried about Nina's safety, she was badass and didn't go down easily but he was still confused. Confused as to why the camera seemed to not pick her up all day and confused as to why she hadn't figured out the team were back by know; she always knew when she was no longer alone.

"They must've gotten onto the plane somehow," Simmons proposed.

"There's no other way in or out," Coulson shook his head, shooting down the scientist's optimism.

"The blast doors and the hangar door are the only exits," Trip spoke up for the first time since entering the room. He still felt very much like an outsider, considering the only person who truly wanted him there was Simmons.

"And both are undamaged. So nobody attacked the place and they weren't running away. So why?"

"Maybe Koenig got orders and needed Nina to come along,"

"From who?" Fitz questioned, "Nina doesn't take orders from anyone other than Coulson and she doesn't even do that half the time. She wouldn't have left without checking in first."

"That still doesn't explain why the communication lines are cut or why Ward and Skye left their phones or why May just...left," Simmons pointed out as Coulson sighed.

"May walked away because I told her to. I was mad and I was mean," Coulson said honestly as he rubbed a hand down his face, "we need to focus on why Ward and Skye left and where the hell Nina is."

"Do you think she's in danger?" Fitz asked and Coulson looked at him with a sad smile.

"When we left, she was trying to accept that Garrett was dead and her past was freshly on her mind after the polygraph," Coulson explained, "she may be more a danger to herself than anyone could possibly be to her."

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