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WARNING; this chapter starts off a bit... much, it's not smut because I personally don't feel comfortable writing stuff like that but it's not cheek kisses either. If you aren't comfortable reading such things, skip to the next asterisk (*). Thank you.


Nina was softly shaken awake, and for a split second, decided to embody a 5 year old by immediately rolling over and burying her face into the soft fabric that was her lover's shirt.

"5 more minutes," she muttered into his chest, holding him tight and trying to drift off again. Fitz laughed as he allowed Nina to snuggle into him for a few moments before he touched her shoulders and softly tried to move her.

"That's what you said 5 minutes ago, love," Fitz told her softly, pressing a kiss on the top of her head, "come on, you have about an hour for your morning work out before we land and if you don't get up now, you'll be seeing Sitwell adrenaline free. We both know that won't end well."

Nina sighed as she remembered what today was, a Tuesday. She always hated Tuesdays but this was extra hateful as it was the day a bunch of SHIELD higher ups and their agents were coming onto the Bus to assist the team in finding the Clairvoyant. Nina didn't know how she felt about it, since the name had tortured her for years and now outsiders were coming into what should be her closure. The man who she believed to be the Clairvoyant was also tagging along, so that didn't help her already low enthusiasm towards the day.

"There are other ways to work out that don't require us leaving the bed," Nina mumbled, her face still buried in Fitz's clothed chest.

Fitz froze at the connotations behind her words and his nerves immediately spiked. Nina felt it, as his heart rate sped up and she pulled off him, sitting up to look at the engineer's face. She could see the worry and uncertainty in his eyes and she instantly scolded herself for making such a comment.

"Hey, it's okay," she said cupping his face gently between her hands and using her thumbs to smooth out the worry lines on his forehead, "we don't need to do anything, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Nina didn't know Fitz's stance on sex. The two hadn't really talked out it. What she did know was that he didn't mind when she got touchy on the nights they shared a bed and that he sometimes graced her with whimpers and involuntary moans that drove her crazy but she also knew that he was the one who always pulled away first whenever a make out session got too heated.

She was usually very careful about not saying something that came off too forward out of fear of making him feel insecure or pressured but her early morning delirium caused her to slip up.

"Baby?" Nina asked after Fitz hadn't said anything. She had pulled away from him, removing her body entirely from his, as her worry grew, "Leo, talk to me.

"I want to," he said so quietly Nina only caught it by reading the little movement in his lips.

"Leo, we really don't have to," Nina tried to reassure him but the scientist shook his head, slowly lifting his eyes up to hers. His blue eyes held their usual light but Nina noticed a new glint in them, it was a shine she couldn't quite place.

"I've wanted to... for a while now, I... just didn't know how to... ask," Fitz blushed and looked down but Nina was quick to guide his head back up with a tap under his chin, "I'm not very... experienced in the area."

"That's perfectly fine, Leo," Nina said with a smile, her hand moving to caress his cheek, "you never need to hide anything you want when you with me. Experience doesn't matter to me, you matter to me."

"I'm sorry,"

"You don't have to apologise, baby," Nina said, leaning in and kissing him softly. As she pulled away she felt Leo move forward with her not wanting to break the kiss so instead, she made a split second decision and moved to straddle him.

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