authors note + sequel info

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authors note
It's been a few days since I completed this book and it feels so weird. I started this in July 2020 and I did not expect it to gain an audience in the way it did. I'm very thankful for everyone who took the time to give this book a read, whether you were there from the very first chapter or just joined now. 

Since a lot of people have asked, this is the paragraph I wrote after watching Hamilton at 1 am and then based the entire book on;

In her final moments, she didn't want to be reminded of how much she longed for this day and she didn't want to be reminded of how much she wished it wasn't here. But death wasn't kind, thus while she lay unmoving on the red stained floor, the agent who'd finally found a reason to live watched everyone she cared about ripped from her once more and the familiar longing of death seeped into her body.

So yeah, I'd always planned to 'kill' Nina and I sorta built the entire book around that. The theme of death was very heavy throughout and I can guarantee if you re-read this book you'll find the subtle hints that she was going to die in almost every chapter.

Thank you so much for giving my writing a chance and I'm curious to know what your favourite moment was.

sequel info

An Executioner's Requiem

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An Executioner's Requiem

Nina Ramos is an Agent of SHIELD. An agent with a reputation she's embraced, a past she doesn't remember and a future she didn't quite expect. After her last mission ended up with her at the bottom of the ocean, Nina trades her suicidal path for a homicidal one with the hope that things would be a little more predictable.

Spoiler alert, they aren't even close

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