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Nina was in her bunk, phone in hand talking to Tony when Coulson walked in. Before he went to say something Nina held a finger to her lips, saying her adoptive father's name as she responded to something the avenger had said. Coulson nodded at the causal warning with a soft longing look, before leaning on the door and waiting for Nina to be done.

"I gotta go, Tony, my boss is waiting for me," Nina said as she swung her feet over the bed and stood up.

"Sure thing. Come home soon, alright? Dumb-E misses you and I need my drinking partner back," Tony was the only family Nina had left. Despite them not being blood-related, Tony taking her in when she was young made him her father and older brother at the same time.

"I'll put in a request, love you Tones," Nina said with a grin as she pictured the grimace on his face as she referred to him by a nickname he hated.

"And I you," with that, the call came to an end and Nina set her phone down, looking over to Coulson. She didn't know how he felt about not being able to talk to the Avengers but she understood that it was the job and asking about it would just make him sad.

"Hey boss, what can I do for you?" She asked and Coulson smiled. He gestured for her to walk with him and the two left the bunk and made their way through the Bus.

"Centipede, are you all caught up?" Nina thought back to the files she had read a few weeks ago and nodded.

"Yep. Mike Peterson, Chan and the girl in the flower dress, why?"

"There's been a development," he said as he entered the briefing room, which Nina had just found out was commonly referred to as the Command Centre. Everyone was already there and Nina gave a barely there smile to each member before walking over to Ward. Fitz watched as he whispered something that made Nina laugh and grin at him.

Nina laughing was something Fitz didn't know how she could do after what she had told them a few nights ago, Simmons didn't understand how she had been through so much at the tender age of 23 while Skye watched her confused as to how the agent got out of bed every day with so much death surrounding her. The scientists and hacker already respected Nina but now either one of them would give anything for the agent's happiness.

Coulson pressed a few buttons on a remote and the team was faced with some security footage. They watched in silence as a group of soldiers broke into a prison and took off with a man, one of the prisoners.

"At 0800 hours three men infiltrated the Havenworth Federal Penitentiary," Coulson stated which caused Skye to utter a childish response that no one paid much attention to.

"Infiltrated? More like cannonballed."

"They were in and out in less than 2 minutes," Coulson added.

"That's impressive, Sara would've been jealous," after baring her soul to the team, Nina started talking more about her previous teammates. She had nothing to hide anymore and she had longed for the day that her friends could exist outside of her memories.

"They left no prints at the scene, but we do have one lead," Coulson finished, bringing up another photo. This time it was a closeup of one of the soldier's wrists which displayed a device the team were all too familiar with.

"Centipede," Ward hissed which prompted Coulson to show pictures of Chan and the lab they had left in ruins back in Asia.

"It seems they salvaged some of their research from Hong Kong."

"So we were right. Chan's platelets solved their combustion problem. Now they can create super soldiers with no fear of explosion," Simmons seemed rather happy about the scientific achievement which made a worried Fitz lean closer to her.

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