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Nina had isolated herself in her bunk with a copy of Pride and Prejudice while the agents around her worked. She didn't like not doing anything but she knew to let the others take charge for now. Where she would have preferred to be spread out on the couch in the living area with her book, she was hiding from agents who were in awe of her presence. 

She was just about to start a new chapter when her door burst open, Nina was prepared to tell off whichever Tom, Dick or Harry that had decided to bother her but caught herself when she saw it was May. The older agent ran her eyes over Nina's body and nodded in approval when she noticed that despite being benched she was dressed tactically and armed.

"We found him," was all May had to say for Nina to jump out of bed and take off towards the cargo hold, abandoning her book without making a mental note of what page she was on.

She'd regret that later.

 When May and Nina reached their destination, they both noticed how the entire team was there having a standoff with the woman in charge, Agent Hand.

"We're about to launch a major assault on a Centipede lab and you want to take your team to the desert based on a hunch from Skye?" Hand said as Nina pulled up next to Fitz and May went towards Ward. 

"It's not a hunch," Ward shot back, Nina couldn't help but smile at his utmost faith in Skye especially because not long ago he didn't even want her on the team.

"Skye followed the money from Vanchat back to Centipede," Fitz explained to Hand, whose facial features made it clear she wanted answers.

"Turns out they recently purchased a small development less than 100 miles from here," Simmons finished off.

"Well that's great news for their real-estate portfolio, but we have confirmed activity at the lab. I'm taking a strike team to investigate. End of story," Hand commanded but no one's resolve weakened.

"So we split up. You take the strike team and go after Centipede. We'll investigate Skye's lead, see if Coulson's there," May spoke up, Hand looked at her almost in disbelief that she wasn't on her side.

"You backed my decision to kick Skye off the plane," Hand reminded her.

"Seems like it worked out."

"Seems like you played me," Hand deadpanned before focusing her attention on Nina, "you aren't cleared for the field."

"Simmons?" Nina spoke up without taking her eyes off the woman in command.

"As a member of the medical team, I cleared Agent Ramos for duty," the Brit said without missing a beat. Hand glared but Nina stepped towards her.

"I said I'd follow your lead and I meant it. Say the word and I'll stay but Hand, this is Coulson we're talking about and he's already died once. I'd like to prevent a second time," Nina said calmly and Hand just looked at her. She didn't have time to say anything as Ward spoke first.

"Look, this isn't personal, but I am taking my team and we're gonna find Coulson," May and Nina look at each other with raised eyebrows. Nina mouthed his team and May just rolled her eyes, "send backup if you want."

Nina had always been the first to throw shade at Hand and would always take the opportunity to undermine her authority but as she watched her team brush passed the woman, Nina couldn't help but feel a little bad. She didn't say anything, a comment from her about respect would just be a slap in the face so she followed the team in silence and climbed into one of the SUVs. Nina was seated in the back next to Simmons, who noticed the grimace that filled her face when her arm pressed into the seat.

"You are in no way cleared Nina," Simmons said completely contradicting what she had said to Hand the moment she was out of range. Nina just shrugged.

"I know but you also can't stop me, Jemma."

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now