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Everything burned. Pain festered in Nina's body preventing her from turning, every inch her body moved resulted in a scream escaping her bloodied mouth. Everything around her was viewed through a hazy screen, the only thing telling her she was awake was the feeling of broken glass beneath her bare feet. Her body screamed at her, begging to be fixed, pleading for the cut skin to once again be sealed while she searched deep into her mind trying to figure out how she'd ended up in this situation; only to be met with a man thrown into the room, bound and bruised just like her.

"Please, I've told you everything... please don't-" Nina's pleads were met with an immediate slap to the face while her teammate was forced to his knees in front of her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she knew what his fate was and that she couldn't stop it.

"Who do you work for!?" the question was followed by a punch in the jaw. Nina's head followed gravity's intention before she managed to muster the strength to lift it up once more. As she looked at the concealed face of her kidnapper and the bloodied face of her barely conscious teammate, she couldn't help the fantasy of killing the man from filling her mind.

"You have my badge, you know who I work for," she spat weakly at the man. She had been saying this every time she was asked who she was, slowly losing track of the days she spent tied to this chair, slapped around by a man she wanted to kill, needed to kill.

"Why did they send you?" a sharp burning pain pierced Nina's side as the man drove a knife in between her ribs. The pain was felt deep in her bones as he twisted the weapon, forcing a scream out of the normally composed agent and waking up the man on his knees, just in time to have a gun pressed against his temple "tell us why or he dies."

"Please, please-" a hoarse cough ripped through her throat, leaving behind the metallic taste of blood, "we had orders, no one asked why... we never ask why... please, you don't have to kill him."

She heard the annoyed sigh leave the man's body before his fist was sent into her already broken nose, sending her head flying back into the pole situated behind her. Nina didn't dare move as she stopped herself from crying out, but when she heard the sound of the safety being removed from the gun and forced herself up.

"One last chance," the sound of the man's voice caused tears to run down Nina's face but her teammate only looked at her with a lazy smile.

"Please... don't do this."

"It's alright boss," a cough wracked his body as blood trickled from his mouth, "it's not you-" he was cut off by the sound of the gun and Nina screamed as he fell to the floor, a hole in his head and blood splatter everywhere.

"No, God, no," Nina sobbed as she looked at her teammate, dead and bleeding on the concrete floor, "no, no! Please, no..."

Agent Tristan Green was the first member they had executed in front of Nina. What she didn't know at the time was, that they were just getting started. As she cried and tried to reach the man, to no avail due to her restraints, footsteps were heard through the dim room as the murderer exited with a slam of the door. Leaving her alone with her dead friend and teammate.

It was meant to be an extraction mission, that's what she was promised and that's what they were good at. Nina was in charge of a team with a 100% success rate in extractions, and everyone was ready for this job. In and out, that's what Hill had told her. 

Yet instead of coming in and getting out, they got restraints, cuts, and burns while they heard each other scream out in pain until 5 out of 6 of them were silenced forever...

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now