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Nina walked the hallways of the eerily quiet Hub next to Fitz. It wasn't too difficult to escape the plane, especially with someone of Fitz's capabilities. Nina found it very attractive watching him cut through the Bus with something he'd created.

"It's called a mouse hole. It cuts through anything, really," Fitz said with concealed pride as the team made their way through the building, "I designed it a year ago and submitted it for testing, but it never reached distribution."

"Top agents always hog the good stuff," Garrett scoffed, Nina spared him a glance. She didn't love the fact that he was leading the group but unfortunately he knew the Hub better than anyone else.

"You could pitch it to Tony, I'm sure the Avengers could use something like that," Nina suggested as they walked passed a camera.

"Really?" Fitz asked shocked and touched, although he had never said it Nina knew that Tony was an inspiration to him in certain ways.

"Yeah, he'll love it," Nina said before sliding her hand into his, "more importantly, he'll love you."

Fitz blushed at the action and her words but before he could say anything Coulson loudly cleared his throat. While Fitz jumped at the sound, Nina just coyly turned to her boss, kissing her boyfriend's hand before letting it go.

"All right, here's where we split up. Skye and Ward?" Coulson pointed to Ward.

"Heading to the nerve centre," Ward told him.

"Disable their systems, most importantly their control of our plane,"

"Copy that, sir," Skye said with a grin. Both she and Ward started in their own direction before Coulson called out again.

"Remember, these agents are under orders. Use ICERs only," Coulson reminded and they nodded, this team leaving the rest of the team.

"Hey boss," Nina called out once the pair disappeared around the corner. She gestured to the gun on her hip, "I didn't bring an ICER."

"No lethal shots," Coulson looked down at her hostler and sighed as he spoke, Nina nodded ad he continued. He addressed the group, consisting of May, Garrett, Fitz and Nina, "we'll find Simmons, get her out."

"We should go straight for Hand," Garrett suggested as he fell in next to Coulson with the other three following from behind, "Hydra's always talking about getting their heads cut off, right?"

"Saving Simmons and Triplett, that's our priority," Coulson shut down the idea.

"I agree, and that's how I'd get it done. Hope you have a better plan," Garrett picked up his pace and Fitz followed suit, knowing Nina didn't trust the agent on his own but wouldn't leave Coulson and May with the hostility still present between them.

"Phil, I can help you if you..." May raised her hands off to show the thick handcuffs that still encased her wrists.

"We need your help, but the cuffs stay on," Coulson said without even sparing her a glance, he picked up his pace. He accidentally bumped into Nina, apologising before joining up with Fitz and Garrett.

Once he was far enough not to hear Nina speak, she slid up next May and displayed a small silver key between her fingertips. May looked at it in surprise, knowing that the keys to her cuffs were carefully tucked into Coulson's pocket.

"When did you get that?"

"A few seconds ago," Nina shrugged mirroring her bump into Coulson, "for an agent, he's really easy to pickpocket."

"I don't want you to get in trouble for me," May said as she shook her head once Nina placed the key into her hand.

"I don't think I will, Coulson seems to have a soft spot for me," Nina responded. She had done and said numerous things that would have gotten her kicked off a team but she couldn't even think of a time where he'd scolded her, "either way I'd like to make it out of here alive and for that to happen we need you. Just keep them on until absolutely necessary and I'll be fine."

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now