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Nina was slowly coaxed out of her forcefully induced sleep by the familiar whirling of the plane that she'd lived on for a year. The first thing she realised was that she had a really bad headache. Her thoughts were a little fuzzy and the slight itch on her forearm made it clear she'd given drugged while she was unconscious.

The second thing she recognised was that her bullet wound had been treated. It was very obviously not done by Simmons as Nina could feel the tightness of the bandage wrapped around her stomach. It was uncomfortable, but the lack of dripping blood showed that the bullet had also be removed from her body. 

The fact that she was still alive told her two things, Garrett was either still pushing the agenda of getting Nina to work with Hydra or they wanted information before they killed her.

The third thing she noticed was that she was bound. Her hands were cuffed behind the chair she sat on and the chains passed through the bars of the seat, limiting her movement excessively. Despite the padded walls of the brightly lit holding cell and the metal chair, Nina couldn't help but find herself somewhere else. 

She could feel the broken glass beneath her bare feet and the unavoidable smell of blood abusing her nostrils.

It's alright boss, it's not you-

She could feel the dryness of her skin once more as tears rolled down her cheeks. She could feel her broken jaw sting under her cut flesh and the various slashes, still fresh and bleeding under her tattered clothes. 

It's okay boss. Death comes for us all.

For a moment Nina was back in Cambodia, helpless as her team drew their last breaths right in front of her... she was very grateful that the moment didn't last.

"I expected more from the so-called Executioner," the man who pulled Nina out of the mess of her mind was the same man that had searched her back on the airfield. 

He watched in disdain as Nina weakly rose her head, full regaining her consciousness with a pained groan.

"Sorry to disappoint," she rolled her eyes as she tried to focus on the man. It took a few seconds for his face to become clear, and Nina's hatred for being drugged grew. 


"You're meant to be the future of Hydra, but you let yourself be caught for what... love," the man spat out in disgust. Nina allowed her head to roll back, she didn't question his future of Hydra comment, as there were more important things on her mind. Like where the hell, Fitz and Simmons were.

"Everything I've ever done has been motived by love. Though I wouldn't expect a lower rank soldier like you to understand," Nina explained as she heard the man walk towards her. There was no lie in her words, she'd gotten the name the Executioner because she'd loved and lost.

Tell Tommy I love hi-

"I am not a lower rank soldier," the man hissed and Nina raised her head, she wasn't surprised that he only commented on her insult.

"Not a soldier than," she pushed, "you must be pretty damn expendable to be tasked with guarding the Executioner on your own. I am the future of Hydra right?"

Nina played on the man's ego, biting back the grimace at referring to herself by a name she hated. She waited for him to step closer to her and the moment he did she leaned back on her chair. The movement allowed the chair to raise upon its back legs and she wrapped her legs around the man's neck. With a swift move, she threw his head into the enforced wall of the holding room, listening as his neck cracked upon impact and his body lay dead on the floor.

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