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"The Hub? Can I please just stay on the Bus while you sort out whatever it is you have to do?" Nina had been begging Coulson to let her remain on the plane ever since she was told they'd be visiting the Hub. She'd been avoiding being surrounded by people who knew about Cambodia since she got her branding and if she went to the Hub, there would definitely be people who knew.

"You're coming Nina, we need to talk to Agent Hand and she wants the level 7s there," Coulson told her as he handed her the discarded SHIELD jacket that would complete her outfit, though his words only made her groan in annoyance.

"That's worse! I'd rather talk to Sitwell than Hand."

"I didn't think you had such a problem with the higher-ups of SHIELD," Coulson grinned as he fixed his tie.

"That's your own mistake, Hand really isn't my biggest fan and Sitwell is an absolute creep, he's almost as bad as Rumlow."


"He was my commanding officer before I got my own team," this time Coulson just nodded, not needing to know any more about this Rumlow character.

"Either way, you have to come. Hill requested you to assess a potential extraction team."

"Assess? I'm not much of a teacher, my team consisted of already trained agents."

"I know but Hill thinks you're perfect for the job."

"Can you repeat that when Clint can know your alive because that guy would hate to know I was picked over him," Nina smiled and Coulson chuckled, nodding ever so slightly.

"Clint as in Clint Barton!?" Skye shot out of her quiet state at the mention of the archer, "like Hawkeye?"

"Yeah," Skye grabbed Nina's arm in awe.

"You're friends with the Avengers!"

"I... in a sense, yes," Nina answered before looking to Coulson who rose an eyebrow at her wording. She sighed heavily before telling a truth that most civilians already knew, "Tony's my dad."

"WHAT!!???" Skye shrieked and Nina winced at the magnitude of the sound right by her ear, "you're a Stark!"

"I'm a Ramos but yeah, legally I'm a Stark," Nina didn't particularly want to give a detailed response but she knew if she didn't Skye would just keep pestering her, "he adopted me when I was 7 after my parents died."

"I remember that," Fitz perked up, joining the conversation, "you made headlines all over the world and would pop up in a paper at least once a week. It happened for years until you just disappeared."

"Didn't disappear, I joined SHIELD," Nina corrected before adding, "I didn't know I was international news as well, guess I underestimated how famous Tony is."

"I already thought you were cool but damn," Skye said, her hand still firmly clasped around Nina's arm, "you just got an impossible level of cool."

"Thanks?" Nina asked more than said, "any way to answer your friends' question... Natasha and Clint are friends I guess, I worked on their delta strike team for a little while. I haven't met the others before."

"You're friends with the black widow!" Fitz joined the excitement as he grabbed Nina's other arm. Nina was a little surprised that knowing Natasha elicited a bigger reaction from Fitz than being Tony's 'daughter' but Natasha was a lot of people's wet dream so she didn't question it, "did you get a look at how her widow bites work? I've been trying to design something like them for you but I've comple-"

"Alright casanova, that's enough of that," Coulson cut Fitz off with a hearty laugh, "she's not allowed to discuss Avengers like that. It's classified."

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now