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Simmons, Coulson and Nina had moved train cars. The trio was still in character as they sat in their seats watching the world around them appear and disappear as the train travelled at a constant speed.

Waiting had always been Nina's least favourite thing about undercover work but not having to be alone while enduring it, was nice. With every smile or fact Simmons sputtered out about the scenery, Nina couldn't help but see some of her late sister's amazement and wonder in her eyes and behind her smile.

"As we round the bend the passengers on the north side of the train can take in the views of the famous Tre Cime Di Lavaredo. Isn’t it a wonder?" The train announcement called to the passengers.

"Look at that," Simmons stated and Nina did just that, outside the window were mountains and fields of farm, "I haven’t seen anything so beautiful since our family’s scuba diving trip to the island of Koh Tao in southeastern Thailand."

Coulson smiled at her, chuckling softly as he saw how serious she was taking her first undercover assignment. She hadn't pissed off Nina yet with the way she delivered her lines but Coulson knew the Executioner took undercover very seriously and decided to intervene before the scientist said something she shouldn't, "okay, Simmons, I appreciate your preparation, but-"

"Don’t you want to know which marine life we encountered?" Simmons asked with a wide smile. Nina looked away from the window and spared her a glance while Coulson shook his head.

"Ward, are you in position?" Coulson asked and Simmons shut her mouth. He reached up to touch his earpiece when the only response he got was static, "my comms are down. Are yours working?"

"Fitz? Skye?" Simmons asked, touching her earpiece. Nina hadn't been worried before but as she followed in their footsteps and called to Ward and May, panic began to settle in as all she heard static.

"Something's wrong. Sit tight. I’m gonna go make sure we don’t lose that package," Coulson stood up and Nina immediately got up with him. He went to tell her to stay seated but the determined look on her face dissolved any argument he could come up with.

He nodded to her and started down the hallway, Nina pulled a knife out from under her sleeve and discreetly handed it Simmons who started at it a little terrified. The blade was hidden under its matte black sheath but Simmons knew just how much damage the weapon could do, especially in Nina's hands.

"If we're not back in 5 minutes, go find Fitz and Skye," the scientist nodded and Nina hurried after Coulson. She found him in a new section of the train. He locked eyes with her and gestured for her to look around.

Nina found the car to be suspiciously empty and when she was about to observe the open back door, she noticed a cup of coffee on the table.

She caught Coulson attention as she touched it and turned to face him, "it's still warm."

As her sentence came to an end, they both heard a noise come from behind them and Nina turned to face the door. She went to dislodged one of her knives but stopped short when she noticed the noise had been made by Ward, who was now barreling into the car.

"Ward!" Coulson exclaimed with a mix of relief and confusion. Ward was in a different outfit than what they had last seen him in. He was dressed like a train conductor and as he got further into the room, he threw off the hat that came with it.

"We’ve been made!" Two men entered the car behind Ward and the moment Nina noticed them she grabbed Coulson and took off towards the open door at the back of the car. Something was thrown towards the pair and Nina didn't have to look at it to know it was dangerous, "Grenade! Coulson, Ramos, we got to jump!"

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