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Nina had a deep connection with all sorts of weapons. They had been in her life since she was born, with a military man as a father, a gun was as much a house necessity as running water. Though she excelled at hand to hand combat, she felt most invincible once given any mind of weapon.

There was a deep appreciation for her knives that anyone who knew Nina Ramos knew about. Knives connected her to her father, as did they connect her to Tony. She felt powerful with a knife in her hand or strapped to her body. It was an addictive feeling and an addiction she had no intention of overcoming.

Where knives were her main weapon, she was still well trained with a variety of equipment. From katanas to guns and crossbows, Nina was a machine; capable of mastering anything and killing as easily as she could breathe.

Which was why it was exceptionally annoying that she could seem to figure out how to manoeuvre with a spear.

"Argh come on!" Nina exclaimed in frustration as the spear that had once been in her hand, now sat in the chest of a training dummy.

"Nice throw,"

"It was terrible. My technique was all over the place, my wrist rotation made no sense and the speed was disastrous," Nina shot back at the voice that had joined the once quiet training room as she ripped the spear out of the dummy, "if this had been a person, they could have grabbed that out of the air and sent it right back."

"You're such a perfectionist," Nina heard as she turned to face the billionaire currently standing at the door frame, she blew the hair out of her face and dropped the wooden spear on the ground. Giving up for now.

"I have you to thank for that," Nina told Tony with a small smile as she grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from her face, before immediately imitating Tony's voice, "a B- isn't an A+, bear...Your arm's not straight bear, you could've taken my eye out... if you gonna ask that boy to the dance at least to it right, bear."

"I never said that first one. You always got As I didn't have to pester you for them," Tony held out his arms with a smile, "no where's my hug, bear?"

Nina smiled at that, still both embarrassed and in love with the nickname he had called her for years. She jogged up to him and fell into his arms so naturally while he squeezed her tightly. Nina always missed Tony the most when she was at work, especially because she didn't always have the time to call him and she always had to be very careful with what she said about her new team. Since Tony still wasn't allowed to know Coulson was alive.

"Rhodey said you were out of town," Nina told him as she pulled out of the hug. She kept her eyes locked on Tony's as a sense of pride filled her. It was nice being able to see the light behind the eyes of the man that had been both her brother and father at a time where all she needed was a family.

"Like I'd ever miss celebrating my favourite girl's birthday,"

"You did, that one year,"

"When... I got kidnapped Nina," Tony deadpanned the younger person laughed.

"Still turned 18 without you,"

"You can't seriously be including that,"

"Still blew out my candles with Rhodes while you were partying up in Afghanistan,"

"I was-" Tony cut himself off before pinching the bridge of his nose, "I'll see to not getting kidnapped in the future,"

"That's all I ask," Nina playfully nudged him. Tony smiled softly at that, he had always loved seeing Nina being so playful when she was young, he was glad that even with all that she had done and seen that hadn't changed.

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now