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Nina had been home for a week and was starting to feel more domesticated than she'd ever been. Nina's vacations usually only lasted a couple of days, but Coulson was true to his word and gave her the week he had promised her. In those days Nina had barely done anything productive and she had spent every waking moment with either Tony, Natasha or Clint.

Although Natasha had a habit of disappearing for a couple of hours and returning with a few new bruises or a torn shirt, Nina thoroughly enjoyed her time off away from the action; though she still remained armed with a knife whenever she left the tower.

She had called Fitz a few times in the 7 days, firstly to apologise for leaving without saying goodbye and to explain to the boy why she hadn't told him about her birthday. The main reason being that it had become a background thought that only resurfaced when Coulson had mentioned it.

The Executioner's break was spent dancing around with Hawkeye and Iron Man, getting her ass handed to her by a sultry russian spy and taking turns trying not to burn the tower down when it came to cleaning and cooking all well making time to talk to her lover on the phone every once in a while. It was a well deserved change of pace for the agent that no one could dispute.

The first thing Nina heard the morning after a Disney movie marathon with the aforementioned Avengers, was a voice, talking very loud and very carefree.

She had woken up with a sore back due to falling asleep on the couch with her legs in Clint's lap and her head on the hard armrest. The archer was awake, he had been for a while, quietly watching the TV, not at all bothered by the limbs that didn't belong to him.

"So you're saying it's an Asgardian?" Tony was the one on the phone. He was the personification of relaxation as he talked into the device, with his legs crossed and arm lax over the armrest of his chair, "and you sure it's not Thor... oh a woman? How interesting!"

Nina looked away from Tony as she pulled herself up. Clint turned to look at her at the motion and the pair shared a good morning. As Nina looked around the room, she wasn't surprised to not see Natasha, the redhead had told her she would be long gone by the time she woke up.

"Who's he talking to?" Nina asked as she momentarily let her brown hair fall around her face before pushing a few strands behind her ears.

"I don't know," Clint said with a shrug, "it's your phone."

"What!" Nina immediately went to check her pockets before remembering her shorts had none. She looked to the coffee table next to the empty pizza box where she had left the device last night and noticed it was gone, "Tony!"

Tony shrieked at that while Nina jumped up and made a beeline for him.

"Gotta go, bye!" he said into the phone before launching it in Nina's direction. She caught it with a glare before bringing it to her ear.

"Hello?" A confused voice rung through the phone and Nina sighed when she realised who it was.

"Simmons, what did you tell him?"

"The new mission. It's an Asgardian, Fitz didn't want you to miss it,"

"Why would you tell him about the mission?"

"He asked..."

"Jemma," Nina mentally facepalmed at Simmons' weak justification.

"Can you really blame me? He's Iron Man,"

"He's also extremely reckless and a security risk," Nina loved Tony but wasn't immune to his flaws.

"So... like you?"


"Sorry, sorry," the Brit was quick to apologies, "anyway, I just wanted to let you know we're coming to pick you up."

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