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9 Years Ago

Tony had many different modes. At times he was the careless public figure who threw parties for days and drank like an Irish mobster. Other times he was the good samaritan 'helping out' the military just to get James Rhodes off his back, but for the most part, he was a billionaire playboy with way too much money for his own good.

Nina was used to all his modes because despite whatever mask he decided to throw on in the morning he was still Tony Stark, she was still his chosen sister and she loved him.


She could do without his over the top birthday mode. Nina had always seen the day as just like any other but Tony always had to go big.

"Tony, what did you do?" Newly turned 14 year old Nina asked as she walked into the 20th balloon tower she'd seen in her 10 minutes of being awake.

"Happy Birthday!!" Tony exclaimed with outstretched hands after throwing a handful of red confetti in the air around him while Jarvis played the birthday song in all corners of the room.

Nina just stared at him before travelling her eyes across the landing. Every table and chair was filled with neatly wrapped boxes, varying in size and colour, with futile bows that she couldn't even see the usual machine parts that Tony left on them.

"Tony, you know I love and appreciate you... but what the hell?" Nina responded as she batted a purple balloon out of the way to reach the billionaire.

"Before you go on your 'stop spending money on me, there are people who need it more' rant, hear me out," Tony held hands out to stop Nina's complaint in its tracks. He pulled her into a hug as she accepted the embrace, "I know you didn't like the indoor aquarium I set up last year, so I thought this was more your style,"

"The aquarium was lovely, I just didn't appreciate the almost drowning part when you decided to turn my bedroom into the dolphin exhibit... while I was still in bed," Nina rebutted as she pulled away from him, a smile had reached her face because despite how extra he was being, he was still Tony.

"I agree the methodology was flawed, but this year I did something more Nina certified," Tony smiled and gestured to the boxes, "2000 presents that we can disrupt out to the local orphanages and foster homes. I know you worry about the kids being all alone sometimes so I figured we'd give them something to have as their own."

"Tony-" Nina hadn't expected Tony to take on one of her passing comments and make it a reality but she was so happy that he did.

"They consist of stuffed animals for the young ones, games consoles for the competitive kids. Macbooks and phones for the teens and unlimited access cards to the ground floor of the tower. So they have somewhere they can go when they have nowhere to go," Tony explained as he pointed to the presents. Nina smiled.

"Tony... thank you. This is the best birthday present you could ever given me,"

"I'm not done yet, bear," Tony told her as he pulled out a small box from behind his back, "this one's yours."

Nina took it slower and opened it even slower. She was surprised to see a blade laying in the thin box considering Tony had always begrudgingly allowed her around weapons.

"You hate knives," she said as she pulled in out of the box and held it carefully in her hand, avoiding the sharp blade.

"I do but you don't and neither did your dad," Tony responded and Nina tilted her head at him confused until he handed her a picture.

She looked at it and instantly noticed it was of her dad. He was in uniform and the picture must have been taken overseas as it was one Nina had never seen before. In his hand was a knife, a replica to the one she was holding now.

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