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The team had spent the morning in England, collecting any and all alien material that had been left after an alien attack. That was meant to be the day done but of course, Coulson got a call about some weird activity in Norway which led to the team standing in the middle of a clearing looking at a collapsed tree.

Ward, Simmons and Nina were standing at the base of the tree watching while Simmons got fitted with a belt and safety wires. The two specialists could feel the fear radiate off of her, they didn't blame her; jumping out of a plane to save your teammates had to come with a new phobia.

"I can climb it if you want. Just talk me through what to do with the... doodads," Ward told the scientist. Nina was watching the tree, trying to figure out the stability of it while Ward tried to calm Simmons, "yeah, it's only about 15 feet."

"I'll be fine. I'm just a bit more wary about the height thing since falling to certain death," Nina had to hand it to Simmons, that lie was almost believable.

"You're afraid," Ward stated and Simmons just looked at him, Nina after completing her check, stepped onto the tree and began walking up.

"Nina!" Ward shouted as his best friend began scaling up a tree with zero safety measures, "what are you doing?"

"Showing Simmons she's safe," Nina said with a shrug as she faced the pair, still walking up the tree but backwards, "you're shaken up, Jemma, it's normal. But some feelings will take over if you dwell on them."

"This is a pretty extreme way to talk me out of being afraid," Simmons said startled as she feared Nina would topple off the tree as she climbed higher and higher.

"The tree is sturdy, Ward and I will be right underneath you. I won't let you fall, you're safe," Nina waited until she saw the belief in Simmons' eyes and then jogged back down the tree, at a speed that terrified everyone watching and that made Ward grab her the second she was within reach.

"You're crazy," Ward said as he set her down on the solid floor, Nina shrugged completely agreeing. She turned to Simmons and smiled.

"You're up, biochem," Nina said. Ward offered Simmons his hand and she began to slowly make her way up the tree. Nina followed below her, knowing she wouldn't fall but also knowing that it would make the scientist feel safer.

"I'm curious," Simmons stopped walking at Ward's words, he stared ahead at the tree and placed a finger to his lips pondering, "whatever was up in these trees had to be there for centuries, right?"

"At least a millennium. Radiocarbon-14 dates some of these trees at 9,000 years old."

"That sounds impossible. Think the tree grew around it?" Nina knew for a fact Ward didn't give a shit about how old the tree was but he couldn't help but smile as he comforted Simmons. It reminded her of how the two truly became friends, Nina having a dislocated shoulder and Ward standing between her legs, distracting her while he popped it back into place.

"I'd have to check the dendrochronology first to know for certain," Simmons started walking up the tree again and Ward continued to feign interest and understanding.

"Uh huh. Of course."

"I mean the Norway Spruce is a rather fast growing coniferous, and I know you're trying to trick me into going up, but I'm going up anyway. So..." Simmons kept her gaze forward as she ascended up the tree and Ward chuckled, not caring about his motives being caught.

"I'll catch you if you fall."


While the team were in the forest, analysing the damaged tree and the markings left within it, the people responsible for the damage were wreaking havoc on the streets, claiming to be gods. It really pissed off Nina, they were hurting innocent people without a care in the world.

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