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Fitz couldn't sleep, which was odd for the talkative engineer. He couldn't stop thinking about Tobias, a man he never knew but a man that had managed to catch the heart of the confusing, terrifying, yet beautiful agent asleep in the bunk next to his.

Fitz felt bad. Tobias was a SHIELD agent, that much Ward had told him, he was a good man, funny and a sucker for a good book who Nina had loved. That was the part that was keeping him up. Nina Ramos had loved someone, that thought bounced from one side of his brain to the other as he tried to understand the emotion.

The jealousy that had built up in Fitz once Nina confirmed the relation to Tobias made him feel sick. How could he envy a dead man just for loving his teammate? Fitz wasn't a jealous person, the only time that green-eyed monster had ever been let out was when Simmons' ex-boyfriend, Milton, would steal her from the lab when they were steps away from a eureka moment. And yet here he was, staring up at the ceiling with one thing on his mind, Nina.

With a heavy sigh, Fitz climbed out of his bed and made his way towards Simmons' bunk. He knew she'd be asleep so he skipped the knocking process and entered the room. Sure enough, she was out like a light so Fitz strolled towards her and gently shook her.

"Jemma, Jemma wake up," his voice was quiet enough not to alert the rest of the sleeping team but loud enough to cause his best friend to stir before waking up.

"Leo? What time is it?" Simmons sat up a little groggy as she addressed him with sleep still in her eyes.

"Almost 5, I just really needed to talk to you," the biochemist could see the panic in her friend's face so she shifted over to make space for him to sit.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Is your mum okay?"

"Mum's fine this is more of an on the Bus kinda problem," Fitz paused as Simmons gave him room to collect his thoughts, "I... I think I'm falling for Nina."

Simmons looked at Fitz, emotionless. She slow blinked, her eyes remaining close for such a long time, that Fitz thought she had fallen back asleep until they opened again, "you woke me up at 5 am to talk about something, I managed to know before you."

"You knew?" Fitz looked at her shocked, he had just came to the conclusion that he was falling for Nina so it surprised him that she had already known.

"Every time she walks into a room, you look at her like the world finally makes sense," Simmons told him as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked into her best friend's blue ones

"I don't know what to do about it," Fitz sighed, clearly feeling a little distraught by the revelation.

"Talking to her about something other than assignments would be a good start."

"Talk to the Executioner! Are you insane?" Fitz exclaimed before throwing his hand over his mouth to quiet his next loud thoughts.

"I'm pretty sure she won't execute you for asking about her hobbies," Simmons yawned as she lay back down on her bed, her legs ended up pushing Fitz off the bed as she pointed to the door, "now I have 3 hours of sleep before Coulson expects us up, go away."

"Rude, but I see when I'm not wanted. Goodnight Jemma," Fitz called out as he walked towards the door, Simmons muttered a goodnight as he left the room. As Fitz walked towards his bunk, he paused when he noticed a light in the living quarters was on. He followed the light and hesitated to enter when he noticed that Nina was the reason for it.

She sat on the floor with a disassembled M2 machine gun in front of her. Disassembling and reassembling guns had become a habit of hers when everything in her head was out of control, the feeling of building and destroying something with her own hands was her form of therapy.

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now