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Nina had always been in awe of her father, she'd known to love him with all that she had at a young age. Jairo Ramos was a military man. He believed in religion and country but most importantly he believed in family, specifically his daughters Monica and Nina. Despite not being home a lot, his girls loved him, Nina could vividly remember cuddling up in her older sister's bed while she told her stories about him that her young mind always forgot.

Despite Jairo's belief in family his wife, Angelica Ramos, didn't believe her ideal life would be waking up alone in her bed with two children that didn't understand she had to be the mom and the dad at the same time. Nina thought she understood that but the neglect she'd felt from her mother just for loving her father was enough to scar any child. 

Nina was 3 when her mom decided she'd had enough and left. 6 months later Jairo was honourably discharged because he believed more in family than he did in country. He had gotten a job as a security guard at Stark Industries, and that was the beginning of the Ramos and Stark family connection.

For the most part, life was good without her mother. Nina loved her dad and big sister, the family of three were strong and happy together. They had 4 good years together before a local gang decided they'd had enough time, Jairo and Monica were gunned down on the street right in front of her. Without any aunts and uncles who wanted her and a mother who'd disappeared, Nina became a ward of the state... until Tony found out a month later and opened his home to her.

Tony took a chance on her by making her part of his family. Coulson had done the same. Nina couldn't help but think it was her fault that he was gone and she knew that she'd give her life if it meant getting him back.

"Agent Ramos," Nina looked up from the ring twirling between her fingertips, pulling herself from her thoughts and looking to the man who stood by the door of her bunk, "er... your team. They have returned."

"Thank you, agent," Nina just nodded to the man. So many people had been in and out of the Bus lately, she had given up learning names. Nina placed the ring back onto its chain and dropped it onto her bed before leaving the bunk and walking towards the lab. When she got there she wasn't surprised to see Simmons cleaning Ward's gunshot wound.

"Impressive, you actually managed to reopen all your stitches," Simmons said to him, Nina chuckled and walked in. She passed a few unknown agents that Fitz was talking to and made her presence known to the biochemist and her best friend.

"Careful Grant, you might take my spot as the team's most reckless," Nina grinned and leaned against the counter next to him.

"Is Hand still not letting you in the field?" Ward asked. Nina had made the mistake of mentioning her injured arm in Agent Hand's vicinity when she first commandeered the plane and since then Nina had been benched. As mad as she was about it, one of the last things Coulson had said to her was to heal. So although reluctant, she removed herself from field duty.

"Yeah, she needs to see proof that my motion is getting better," Nina shrugged as she crossed her arms, holding in a grimace.

"And is it... getting better?" Simmons asked. The pain was severely less than before so Nina nodded, she'd taken worse injuries and powered through. The only reason this one was being treated differently was because everyone else knew about it.

"Yeah, this morning I managed to put a shirt on without writhing in pain," Nina sassed and the two sighed, where she followed the order to heal and rest, she still openly voiced her annoyance, "enough about me. Did you get him?"

"Yeah, we got him. Let's just hope Vanchat can lead us to Centipede," Ward answered.

"Well, the Chitauri metal he was selling is an exact match to what Centipede used for their device."

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