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Apparently, it wasn't enough that the team was dealing with a death and a traitor. The universe seemed to want them to suffer a little bit more, Nina especially because the moment she'd gotten a hold on her emotions and replaced her hurt with determination, the base's weapons were triggered and they were about to be raided.

Coulson and Trip were in the hallway, carrying their weapons of choice with Simmons behind them. Fitz approached, running to meet them and handed Simmons a gun. The scientist looked at it wearily before accepting the weapon.

"I wish this bunker had a bunker," Simmons sighed.

"Those doors should hold. It'll take some major artillery to make a dent," Coulson said as he glanced around looking for his most capable agent, "where's Nina?"

"Here," was the answer he got as Nina made herself known.

"I thought you were more comfortable with knives than guns," Trip said as he watched her come around the corner with a rifle slung over her shoulder and a pistol in her hand.

"Doesn't matter," Nina rolled her eyes as she loaded both her guns, "he took them."

She was talking about how Ward had stripped her of her signature weapons while she was unconscious. Nina had been too preoccupied with her emotions earlier but once she heard the alarm sounding, she reached for them and realised they were gone.

Taking her knives was a crime only punishable by death.

"Are we killing these people or just injuring them?" Nina asked as she looked to Coulson, "I need to know where to aim."

"Injuring," Coulson answered, very concerned about the fact that not even an hour ago Nina was feeling everything and now she was operating as if she was feeling nothing. It was unhealthy, everyone was starting to see that Nina had a lot of unhealthy habits, "are you sure you're up for this?"

Nina just nodded at Coulson's question and he didn't have the opportunity to question her further as the team watched a control panel next to the door change from red to green. Unlocking the bunker doors.

"Hangar door deactivated," the robot voice called out and everyone took a step back.

"Take cover. Let's go," Coulson barked his order.

He led them back down the hallway as the door opened. Men in military issued gear flooded the base, they all had their guns up and were all ready to shoot at any moving target they found. Trip, Coulson and Nina were the same, sheltering behind different corners with their own guns drawn and aimed, while FitzSimmons stayed out of sight beside Nina.

"It's not Hydra. It's special forces," Coulson muttered to his team as he laid eyes on a familiar man. Nina didn't drop her gun as she saw the man with a neatly trimmed moustache, hair in a basic military cut and familiar warm eyes.

"On behalf of the United States Armed Forces I order you to stand down," the man walked in front of his soldiers with a bullhorn as he spoke, Nina tensed, knowing that voice, "I repeat, stand down."

"Talbot," Nina said as she moved her gun slightly, it was still aimed but down enough to show her face.

"Colonel Talbot?" Coulson asked as he was reminded of the man who'd called the Hub, the man that Nina had a history with. Talbot lowered the bullhorn as he heard his name, "there have to be better things for you to do than chase five SHIELD agents."

"When I've known one of them her whole life, unfortunately, there is not," Talbot replied as he locked eyes with Nina.

"I'm flattered," Nina rolled her eyes.

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now