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Nina woke up to a couple of boxes at the feet of her bed, instinctively she bolted upright staring at them with a mix of fear and curiosity. The last time she woke up to a random item, she had less than 3 minutes to scale down the side of a building before said item blew up. Despite the immediate response being panic, Nina quickly remembered she was in the air and no one in their right mind would take down a plane while they were still on it, so she approached one of the boxes with caution and saw one of her shirts laying on top of it.

Her stuff had arrived.

While Nina was in the middle of pulling out her SHIELD uniform from one of the boxes, a knock on the door broke her focus. She debated opening the door but realised that it probably wasn't a smart idea to be in her undergarments in front of a team member on her first full day.

"Yeah," Nina called out as she pulled a pair of pants up her scar littered legs. Whoever was behind the door, took Nina's response as a warning not to come in.

"Coulson wants us in the briefing room in 10," it was Ward who spoke through the closed door. Nina was a little upset it hadn't been Fitz as for some reason she couldn't stop thinking about him despite their brief conversation towards the bunks.

"I'll be right there," Nina called out. She heard Ward's footsteps retreating from outside her room as she pulled the top of her uniform on and made herself look presentable. With her long brown hair pulled up into a tight ponytail and her tactical jacket thrown haphazardly over her shoulder, she walked out of the room, in the direction of what she hoped was the briefing room.

"We have two kids on this Bus who aren't cleared for combat, you're adding a third," Nina didn't expect to see May and Ward arguing with Coulson when she entered the room. May hadn't spoken much last night so this was the first full sentence the agent had heard from her.

"At least FitzSimmons are trained, SHIELD scientists. But Skye? You said this was a select team, assembled to work new cases, to protect people. I don't see how letting some hacker tag along-" Nina was aware that Skye wasn't an actual agent but she didn't know that the other two specialists were so against her being there.

"I'm looking for an objection I haven't already anticipated," Coulson shut down Ward before he could finish his thought and Nina decided to make her presence known by loudly clearing her throat. The three turned to look at her and she rose an eyebrow in question.

"Am I interrupting?" unlike last night's introduction to the team, Nina's voice was void of any emotion. This was the normal for her, focusing on the mission at hand and not necessarily wanting to form any friendships. As she spoke it was clear that she was asking the question because she could, not because she needed an answer.

"No," Coulson answered anyway before looking to May, "I'm calling this. But, your frown will be on the record."

May and Ward seemed to really dislike Coulson's words while Nina wasn't bothered. She already didn't want to work with people, Coulson adding another body wouldn't increase her already high resentment for the situation.

"We've been called in to investigate an 084, we all know what that means," Ward announced. Coulson punched a few things onto a tablet.

"Yes we do," the boss handed the tablet off to May, who looked at it briefly before exiting the room. Coulson looked to Nina expecting her to finish his thought for him, so she did just that.

"It means, we don't know what it means."


Nina's combat boots hit the floor of the Peruvian jungle as she climbed out of the car alongside May, Ward, Skye and FitzSimmons. It was ridiculously hot and Nina made a mental note to listen to Coulson the next time he told her that SHIELD uniform was unnecessary unless they were visiting headquarters.

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