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Nina loved a good chase. It was a common thing for an agent of Nina's calibre to enjoy the thrill of hunting down a target, knowing that they knew she was so close to catching them.

Clint used to say it was the hunter in Nina that made her not only enjoy that thrill but crave it, she found that sentiment ironic considering she'd never gone hunting a day in her life. Her father used to say that to take a child hunting was to turn an adult into a killer, it made her wonder what her father would think of his daughter now... a killer despite all his efforts.

Nina pushed that thought to the back of her mind as she focused on the task at hand, running through an abandoned racetrack beside May trying to locate the man responsible for Blake's condition.

"May, Ramos, he's coming your way," they both heard Skye call out over the comms. The team decided to refer to Nina as her last name for this mission, especially after receiving all the shocked looks when Coulson had called her by her forename back on the Bus.

May and Nina traded looks after receiving the message and picked up the pace, only to see Peterson run passed the hallway and they both immediately gave chase.

"Got him!" May responded as they ran after him. The two women were close to their target. Nina's legs carrying her as she pushed through the dark hallways and May keeping up with the former track star with ease. She only stopped when she watched Peterson vault over a railing and disappear into the darkness below.

Nina didn't stop, grabbing onto the railing and about to follow their target. May was quick to grab her arm before she jumped.

"Stop, it's too far down," May told her, releasing her, "you'll break a bone."

"Probably," Nina said before rolling up her sleeves and displaying the silver bands on her wrist that had first made an appearance on the train in Italy, "but you forget... I'm a Stark."

May didn't even have time to blink before Nina leapt off the railing and down the empty elevator shaft. As the agent shouted for her partner, Nina leisurely fell, more than happy to hand her body over to gravity as she hadn't done it in a while.

When her body was about to collide with the concrete floor she pressed a button on the top of the bracelet and not even a second later a beam of light burst threw the metal and dug into the walls beside her and Nina was suspended over the floor. He feet a touch away from the ground.

"¡Que guay! (How cool!)" Nina said to herself as she grinned, looking up at the light from her bracelet briefly illuminating her features before she disengaged the device and landed gracefully on the ground. Nina made a mental note to call Tony and tell him that the force field technology he was messing around with had more than one use.

"He just ducked into the southwest stairwell," Nina heard Coulson say as she pulled out her gun and lead with it, "in pursuit."

Nina knew that where she had landed was close to where Coulson had breached the racetrack so where she was actively searching for Peterson she also was looking to meet up with Coulson.

"Boss," Nina whispered once she saw him enter a dark stairwell, Coulson immediately reacted to the sound, turning to point his gun and Nina; who didn't even flinch at the action.

"Nina," he breathed out a sigh of relief, motioning her over. The two agents paused at the top of the stairs for a moment before staring down them, "all teams, he's headed into the sub-basement. I do not have a visual. Fitz, do you have a retriever down here?"

"No, sir. On their way," Fitz replied over the comms, his voice temporarily pulled Nina out of her single-minded mission mode and she mentally cursed at how whipped she was for the boy. One day her feelings were going to distract her at the wrong moment.

[1] Take the Shot | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now