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It had been a while since Nina had woken up in peace, usually, she was jolted awake by a bad dream or a recreation of one of her worse days on Earth but today she was eased out of her dream state and awoke with her head on something firm. Panic would have been her first reaction but she was quick to remember where she had ended up last night, in Fitz's room with her head resting on his chest and his arm wrapped around her waist.

At first, she couldn't tell if he was awake. Fitz was usually a bundle of nerves when he was close enough to touch her but with her head on his chest, she could feel his steady heartbeat. Nina couldn't help but like it, she'd never been a massive fan of affection unless it was coming from the right person.

Leo was the right person.

When Nina made the mistake of moving, she felt Fitz's heart rate pick up, telling her he was awake. She turned slightly, keeping her body anchored to his, and looked him in the eye. His blue eyes seemed brighter in the morning and she was reminded of how much she loved staring into them.

"Good morning," Fitz smiled down at her and God did Nina love the sound of a thick Scottish accent heavy with sleep in the morning.

"Mornin'," Nina pushed off his body and tried to ignore the whimper that left his mouth once she did. It was clear that the sound was unintentional as his cheeks flushed and he broke eye contact. Nina just chuckled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his cheek before standing up.

Fitz watched as she pulled her hair out of the ponytail and put it up in a messy bun instead, noticing a small tattoo behind her ear that he'd never seen before. He had always been entranced by the little things she did but the domestic nature of the current situation made her feel a new level of enchanting.

"Thank you... for not asking why," Fitz had almost forgotten how Nina had turned up at his bunk, crying and hyperventilating but as he remembered he just nodded. After last night he was confident that she'd come to him when she was ready, or whenever it got too much for her to carry on her own.

"Of course, I'll gladly play your silent shoulder if you ever need it again," Fitz almost cringed as he replayed the dorkiness of his comment in his head. Nina didn't seem to mind it though as she smiled, a very wide smile that met her eyes. Those kinds of smiles were rare for Nina and he was honoured to be the cause of one.

"Thanks, Leo," she said and Fitz hummed, he loved the way his name sounded so sultry coming from her, "I'm gonna go take a shower and clean up a bit. I'll see you later."

Fitz said his own goodbye and Nina pressed another kiss to his cheek before leaving the room and a very red-faced engineer. 

God, Fitz was so in love with someone he hardly knew and he had no regrets.


When Nina met up with the rest of the team, minus May and Coulson, she was dressed in her tactical uniform. Fitz gave her a smile as he tried not to picture how she had looked in the clothes he had given her last night before noticing that the ink behind her ear had been covered by a thin layer of makeup.

"There is nothing more unsettling than being a part of something so horrible, completely unaware," Simmons said as Fitz poured two cups of tea, he handed one to Nina as she walked further into the room and she thanked him with a smile, "a cadet could have died."

Nina already knew what they were talking about. The incident at the Sci-Tech academy that Ward had filled her in on her way to the shower.

"We drew up those concepts years ago. We didn't know they'd be applied in that way," Fitz spoke up, following after Simmons.

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