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Nina found Coulson in his office staring out the window, watching as the Bus flew over the body of water below them. She didn't say anything when she first entered the room but she was sure to make a slight noise to let Coulson know he was no longer alone.

She just watched him. Cataloguing his stiffer than usual stance, the repeated pattern his left foot was tapping against the carpeted floor, and the shaky breaths that caused his chest to rise and fall in an irregular sequence. Whether or not Coulson would admit it to her, Nina could tell he was nervous. Almost scared of what he may find at the coordinates he was so adamant to go to.

"Adam hated Brazil," Nina said after a few minutes of silence passed, "the country remained him of his stepdad, the man was an ass who didn't love the idea of having a gay stepson. The problem for us was that a lot of people go missing in Brazil and we were needed there more times than Adam liked."

"What does Agent Hart-" Nina cut Coulson off with a smile.

"Melody, on the other hand, loved Brazil. She had lived there with her Avó (grandmother) for years but didn't have the time to visit home unless the job brought us there," Nina continued speaking despite, Coulson's confused face turning to her, "I had to talk Adam off the ledge every time I accepted a job that brought us there and talk down Melody whenever I refused one."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"There are ways to solve conflicting perspectives in a team that don't involve telling anyone who disagrees with you to jump out of a plane," Nina told him, her tone was rather light as she spoke. She didn't enjoy scolding her boss and she felt like she was speaking out of turn, "we all trust you, Coulson, I think we've all proved that by now. But your little blow up earlier made everyone question whether or not that trust is reciprocated."

"It had nothing to do with trust, I stand by what I said,"

"That's the proble-" Nina was cut off by Coulson holding up a hand.

"I'd rather not take advice on how to run my team by someone who led their own into a massacre."

The moment those words left Coulson's mouth he regretted it. But as the casual smile on Nina's face fell and her eyes darkened, he knew it was too late to take it back.

"My team were targeted by someone you, up until recently, referred to as a friend. If that doesn't say something about your shitty instincts than I don't know what will," Nina seethed as she stepped closer to Coulson, "I respect you, Agent Coulson. I'd even go as far as to say I like you but if you ever use my team's death in the way you just did ever again, I swear you will be seeing them a lot sooner than me."

"Are you threatening me?" Coulson asked, gulping slightly at how quickly Nina had changed before him.

"I'm simply reminding you of who I am," Nina hissed, "it'd be in your best interest to watch what you say."

Coulson didn't say anything as Nina stared him down. He'd seen her angry more times than he'd seen her happy but this was the first time that anger had been directed at him. Coulson couldn't help but be reminded of how she'd reacted to Ward when he was the cause of her anger and he wondered if she was armed.

Nina bit back a smirk when she watched Coulson break their eye contact and eye her up and down. She wasn't wearing her tactical jacket and the shirt on display showed that the usual weapons on her torso and arms were missing, her signature combat boots were still on and Coulson knew that although he couldn't see them, a knife sat comfortably in each.

"Am I interrupting?" a voice called out. It was May, standing concerned at the door by the tension she could feel radiating from the room. Nina turned to look at her, breaking her gaze on Coulson as she answered the question.

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