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The second the bottom of Nina's combat boots touched the floor she was alert and prepared for a fight.

Scaling the building hadn't been too hard considering the balcony pretty much had a path paved towards it, in the form of cables and structural accents. Tony would be happy to know that the money he'd spent bailing a teenage Nina out of trouble for parkouring on private property was well spent.

The room Nina had entered looked like a homemade conference room. It was empty and Nina could tell by the imprint of the chair legs in the beige carpet that the room was hardly ever used.

She crossed the room quickly and reached the door, pleasantly surprised to see that it wasn't locked as she pushed down on the handle.

Nina had expected to see are a lot of uncommon things when she entered the building. Unnecessarily bedazzled chandeliers, abstract sculptures and paintings worth more than the house she had lived in with her father and sister.

What she hadn't expected to see when she stepped out into the hallway, was a trail of dead bodies considering her team were making their entrance 2 floors below her.

She jogged over to the closet body and observed the corpse. As Nina pressed her finger against his neck, she was shocked to find that his throat had literally been crushed.

"Dios mío," she muttered as she looked away from the body to the other 3 in the hallway. Every single person looked like they had been killed by an animal but the bruises on their necks were consistent with a human's.

Nina got back up to her feet and started searching the entire floor. It was clear to her that SHIELD wasn't the only one on the premises and whoever's the third party was, had inhuman strength. She needed to Skye before they did because, from the warmth of the corpses, the third party was still here.

Nina cleared the 2nd and 3rd floor quickly. Every room she has entered and every door she had kicked down, hadn't resulted in her finding Skye yet. The more places she explored, the more frustrated she got as she left them empty handed.

"Come on Skye, where are you?" Nina breathed out as she placed her hands on her knees, panting ever so slightly.

Her past in track made her the most suitable for running around the house but that didn't mean she didn't get tired every once in a while.

She climbed the stairs down to the ground floor, keeping to the shadows and carefully casing open doorways before advancing passed them. She could hear Coulson speaking and the familiar tread of Ward's boots nearby but she didn't go to them, instead she made her way over to another set of stairs.

She noticed the second her worn out boots touched the first step that something felt different. The lights were dimmer and the door meeting the bottom of the stairs was ajar. The sick feeling in Nina's stomach told her she was going to find Skye was going to be on the other side of the door.

It just didn't tell her how she'd find the hacker. Leaning against the wall, sitting in a pool of her own blood.





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