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Skye and Simmons headed for the Bus, to attempt to get May on their side. While they did that Nina marched directly to the room where she had met Agent Hand, livid and more than okay with taking it out on the woman responsible. Nina, however, hadn't expected to see Coulson already there, looking less than happy to be conversing with the woman she had vowed to kill.

"Usually with an extraction plan," it was clear to Nina that she had entered in the middle of their conversation but Coulson seemed to know what she knew.

"Barton, Romanoff, they never have an extraction plan," comparing two avengers to a selfish specialist and a Scottish engineer was stupid in Nina's eyes.

"They know that going in," Natasha and Clint preferred having no extraction plan, nobody could work at their speed except Nina and maybe May.

"Agent Fitz is unproven in the field, and knowing would've caused him to lose focus or courage," Nina knew that Fitz would have given his best no matter the circumstances, he had the right to know.

"That should've been my call."

"I wasn't sure you'd comply. Your team includes an electronically tagged non-agent who is notorious for leaking secrets, which reminds me, how did you get this information again?"

"I know what the safety of a thousand men is worth. I know the importance of taking the Overkill device out of play. But I also know my men, and what they're worth! The decision to go in should have been theirs to make."

"Perhaps. But you need to trust the system, Agent Coulson," Hand went to walk away from Coulson but Nina decided it was time to make her appearance. As Hand turned she grabbed her and forced her back into one of the large screens, holding her arm against her neck and lifting her feet off the floor slightly.

"You had no right to play with their lives like that!" The moment Nina's words left her mouth, she heard the sound of guns being trained on her from the agents in the room and an exhausted sigh coming from Coulson.

"You have 10 seconds to step back before my agents unload their guns on you," Hand threatened Nina. It was hard for her to take the threat seriously due to the hoarseness of her voice as she applied more pressure onto her throat. Nina leaned closer towards the superior agent and spoke at a volume only Hand could hear.

"You and I both know I've been waiting to die," she let the words sink in and watched as Hand realised threatening her life meant nothing before Nina pulled away to speak for the rest of the room to hear, "you're well within the strike zone. I'm not afraid to take a bullet, are you?"

Nina didn't care how trained the agents were, she was close enough to Hand that any stray bullet would kill both of them.

"Nina, anger later. We need to go get our team back," Coulson called on his agent. Nina growled seething but still stepped away from Hand and saw how the 20 guns were still aimed at her. She walked towards Coulson who gave her a look before they both made their way towards the door.

"You need a better leash on your attack dog, Coulson," Hand's comment led to Nina grabbing the knife resting in her combat boot and throwing it in her direction. Hand didn't even have time to blink before the blade embedded in the screen, a breath away from her face. An agent fired at her erratic movement but Nina didn't even flinch as the bullet grazed her arm and dug into the wall behind her.

"Call me that again and the next one goes in your eye," Nina glared at Hand before sending the agent that shot at her the darkest look she could muster. She could've sworn the man pissed himself. Coulson grabbed Nina and pulled her out of the room before she did anything else that he couldn't get her out of.

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