Colin x Seek (FL)

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Seek POV

   I was sitting in my room reading in the dark when I heard that annoying snowman start banging on the front door screaming for us to let him in. I sighed quietly getting and going downstairs to see my roommate wasn't home, I opened the door seeing it was already night time and the annoying snowman standing there. "What do you want?" I ask he pushes past me and starts pacing and starts rambling about how his roommate wandered off into the night again. After he pesters me for a couple of minutes I finally give in to help so he can leave me alone, we leave my house and fixing to start to go into the woods when a grumpy Colin and his roommate exit their house one seemed annoyed, and the other concerned. "What's going on? What's with all the noise?" Colin's roommate asks "well my roommate wandered off into the woods in the middle of the night and I am really worried so we were going to go after them," Austin responded, "can we help?"Colin's roommate asked "sure," Austin responded with too much excitement "you already woke us up so might as well," Colin says and starts following us into the woods.

   We wandered the forest sometimes calling out Austin's roommate's name, but most of the time we kept quiet since we kept hearing strange noises. We decided to split up into two groups to get better ground but we didn't go far from each other so we can call out to each other, but luckily I was with Colin. Most of the time we both kept quiet and just looked around until he tried to start up a conversation "so how did you get dragged into this?" he asked "my roommate is the snowman cousin so he always goes to our cabin for his cousin," I responded still looking around "that makes sense but why isn't his cousin here now?" he asks, I sigh softly and responded "he wasn't home he spent the night somewhere," "somewhere? you don't know where he is?" "non of my business," we slowly fell into since and it just stayed that way for a while. After a while of searching and still no sign of them, Colin and I decided to split off from each other to cover more ground. As I wander the dark forest by myself I took in a deep breath and continued walking, as I walk I felt myself wander to the beautiful moon that I could barely see through the top of the trees. I was so much in deep thought it wasn't until a terrifying growl from behind me that snapped me out of thoughts, I stop in my tracks and turn around quickly seeing nothing there. I figured it was Colin or one of the others trying to scare me, but then I heard another growl the way I was heading I turn around again and saw nothing, I heard footprints and rustling in the trees circling me. I was left there standing still looking around trying to see what was making those noises, I heard a louder growl from behind me from where I was coming from I turn around quickly, and my eyes widen with horror at what I saw, fear strikes me and I take off running. I run as I heard the growls and feet of what I saw get closer from behind me but I soon hit the hard ground when I felt a sharp pain go through my back, I stay still and watch the feet of the creature circle me before stopping and howling loudly before taking off.

   I lay there paralyzed with fear and pain, I heard faint familiar voices coming from a distance, I slowly push myself up and dust myself off before putting on my acting face as nothing happened. I go towards the voices and soon find the others, "There you are Seek where were you didn't you hear us calling?" Colin's roommate asks sounding concerned "uhh yeah just a little slow," I respond they all look at me skeptically before Colin says "ok, we're going to head back hopefully they turn up by morning," "yeah," I say looking down before following them. We make it back to camp we say our goodbyes and head back to our cabins I make sure they go to their cabins before going to my cabin. My back was hurting badly I softly ran my hand down my back to see blood covering my hand, I heard a soft knock on the door I slowly went to the door and opened it to see Colin. "Uhh hey?" I say skeptical "hey are you sure your okay your acting odd," he asks "yeah yeah I'm okay," I say smiling softly, he returns the smile "okay I'm going to hea- what is that," he asks cutting himself off pointing at my hand, I look at him confused before looking at my hand seeing it was covered in blood. I mentally slapped myself before stepping to the side letting him in, he quickly stepped in, he looked at me worriedly I sighed softly before turning around revealing my back. He softly traced the wound, "what happened," he asks "I don't know something attacked me in the woods," I say flinching slightly at his touch, "why didn't you tell us," he asks "I don't know I didn't want y'all to worry," I say honestly. He sighs softly before saying "please take your shirt off," I do as he says as he gets a wet cloth and softly cleans the wound on my back. I let him take care of my wound as I just sat there flinching a little, he finishes and I put my shirt back on, we sat in silence on the couch I felt really tired from the long night and softly leaned against Colin and slowly fell asleep.


Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates, I was sick but I am a lot better, and I am sorry for the bad story it was slightly rushed since it's almost 3 am and I have a long day tomorrow and if you didn't figure it out this is Fable Legacies, anyways goodnight/afternoon/morning bye cuties~

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