Lychee (OoO S2)

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Lychee POV

  I walked quietly with Niro as we watched Cal, Davis, Ricarro, Xydad, and Nad all talk as well as bicker. We were out on another adventure, I wasn't sure what we were looking for or if we were even looking for anything I was just following. "Do they ever stop fighting," Niro asks looking at me, I sighed and shrugged "Seems like they never do," I say causing them to chuckle "Hey, shut up you," Davis yelled back at Niro. "No," Niro responded causing Davis to complain and mutter under his breath, I chuckled and continued to follow. We had been walking for a while and Ricarro was repeatedly complaining about the long wait which Xydad had to reassure him constantly.

  We soon stopped in front of a cave, "I think this is it, I don't know what kind of creatures are in here so be careful and be on guard," Xydad says as everyone nods. He enters and the rest of us follow behind him, Xydad had lit a torch to lead the way in the dark cave, we had to drop down a lot of cliffs and climb a lot. The further we enter the more I feel uneasy "It seems we're approaching a clearing up ahead," Xydad says. "That's doesn't seem good, that usually means something big lives down here," Nad says "I agree, we need to be careful or not go this way," Cal says. "This is the only way that leads anywhere, it might be worth it for treasure," Xydad responds "I don't think our lives are worth some treasure," Davis adds causing the rest of us to agree.

  We entered the clearing and noticed how big it was which made most of us uneasy. "I think y'all are right, we need to go back," Xydad says but a loud growl follows after, "That doesn't seem good," Niro says. We all see a large scaly tale move in front of us before we follow it to the growl behind us "Oh no," Xydad says. We see a giant dragon or serpent-looking creature with multiple heads "What is that thing," Cal asks terrified. "It's the Hydra, whatever you do don't cut off its heads two more will grow back in its place," Xydad manages to get out before we all have to move to avoid the fire it shot at us.

  Once we all successfully dodged the fire it spit at us, we all drew our weapons and prepared for a fight. We all began attacking it, trying our best to not cut its heads off but it became practically impossible not since there seemed no possible way to get damage done to it. All our eyes widened as we saw one of the heads fall to the ground after being cut off "Sorry guys, watch out," Xydad says face filled with guilt. We watch as two more heads grow back in it place before they quickly act and attack again. One by one we all managed to cut off at least one head by accident leaving us with a disadvantage of 6 versus 20.

  We were all struggling but we were trying our best to defend while trying to come up with a plan to kill it without cutting off a head. I used my scythe to block an attack from one of the heads which angered it but before I could react I was hit and slung against the cave wall by another head. I gasped as the air was knocked out of me from the impact of the wall against my back, I fell to the ground with a painful thud and lay on the ground trying to regain my vision from hitting my head. I noticed the amount of vibrations there were from the feel of the ground just as I noticed I heard a crack from above causing me to look up but before I could react a stone spike fell. I gasped painfully as it went threw my stomach, I bit my lip and threw my head back hitting it on the ground to ground the pain.

  I wasn't there for not even a minute before someone noticed my situation "Lychee," Cal screamed catching everyone's attention. "Niro go," Davis yelled before I knew it Niro was by my side, I breathed heavily but painfully as I gripped the entrance area of the wound feeling the blood pour over my hands. I whined painfully before glancing around, I wasn't fighting anymore so I could take this chance to come up with a plan. I noticed the spike that impaled me wasn't the only spike that fell, the roof was shaking from the vibrations and it looked like it would cave in.

  I took a deep painful breath "Xydad, do you think the vibrations would cause the roof to cave in on top of it," I yelled. I watched as he glanced up at the ceiling before glancing around quickly and looking at me "That could work, everyone try to knock the heads against the walls," he yells out. Everyone nods skeptically before doing as he says "I think if we make it cave in it will all come down on all of us," Cal yells "That's true, Lychee," Xydad says looking at me fearfully as everyone else eyes widen at what he was asking. I grunt painfully before nodding "I know I know," I yell before gripping the stone spike tightly, I watch as everyone looks at me with fear before looking away not being able to look at the sight.

  I watched Niro's face scrunch up before stepping back as I took a deep breath and slowly but painfully pulled the stone spike out. I screamed painfully and caught myself trying to pass out when I halfway pulled it out, I took another deep breath before pulling the rest out while screaming in pain and throwing my head back. I threw the spike to the side and forced myself off the ground, "He's free, everyone use all your strength, Lychee did his part now let us do ours," Xydad yelled while Niro walked by my side out of the battle zone. I weakly walked through the cave using the way we came in while leaning against the wall for support as Niro watched me worriedly. I only got about 20 feet into the tunnels of the caves before I collapsed to the ground, I sat on the ground with my back against the wall.

  It wasn't long until I heard a loud noise that echoed throughout the cave, I knew the idea worked I could only hope that everyone made it out safely. I was feeling extremely lightheaded and weak, I heard voices and footsteps approach before they stopped a few feet away. "Niro, is he," Xydad asks not being able to finish his sentence "He's alive but I don't he can continue by himself and I don't think he will make it back to camp," Niro responds sadly. "Then we'll carry him the whole way back," Ricarro says "I think they mean he won't live long enough to get back to camp," Cal says sadly. Ricarro makes a sad 'oh' sound before Davis speaks up "Well he isn't going to make it if we're standing here, Nad carry him," Davis says sounding upset.

  Nad does as he says and picks me causing me to whimper in pain as I lay limply in his arms. It was a bit later when we finally made it out of the cave, the sun was fixing to set and we still had a long walk back, I wasn't even sure how I stayed awake this long. "We'll probably make it to camp by morning, it will be a lot harder to navigate in the dark," Xydad says "Lychee isn't looking too good," Nad says worriedly as held me in his arms. "Cal take Shadow and carry Lychee back to camp, he's faster," Xydad says "I'll take care of them both," Cal says before climbing onto Shadow. Nad placed me into Cal's arms so my legs were resting on one side and my head was resting on Cal's shoulder on the opposite side. "Don't worry guys, he'll be okay, now take care of yourselves and make it back safely," Cal says before taking off "Get them there safely Shadow," Xydad calls out as we fly back to camp.

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