Ritchie Part 2 (FTO S4)

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Ritchie POV

    I woke up the next day and got up more early than usual so I decided to make Brother some breakfast. I went downstairs and into the kitchen and started making breakfast, after it was finished I fixed myself and Brandon a plate. I laid our plates on the tables and sat down, eating my plate of food. A little while later Brandon walked in and he looked startled a little bit when he first saw me "I'm not going to get used to you being a girl," he says I roll my eyes slightly at the fact he brought up the problem of me being the opposite gender, "well you're going to have to, Brother," I say finishing my breakfast and cleaning my plate. I went upstairs after Brother sat down to eat so I can make sure my normal clothes would be appropriate for my current stature and brushed my hair to how I liked it which was a struggle since I wasn't used to long hair.

   When we finished up at the house we started making our way to the guildhall, which I knew was going to be a nightmare. We enter the guildhall and immediately everyone went quiet, as I and Brother went to our normal spot in front of everyone I could see David was whispering to Boat which wasn't making Boat happy and I could see Kit covering her mouth trying not to squeal. Brother and I stood lookout to our guild, after clearing his throat Brother began speaking "as you all can see there was an incident and Ritchie is now a... female," I knew what was coming so I took a shaky breath and said, "I know y'all are holding it back so just... let it all out." Not even a minute after I said that David laid on the ground dying of laughter, Kit squealed so loud it could almost break glass, Boat screamed and hit his head on the table, Mario was speechless, Inmo was very confused, and Tapio was confused as well.

    After everyone calmed down we explained what happened and after we explained it we made almost everyone leave after some people left Brandon and I sat down on the bar and I waited for David's comments and of course that didn't take long. "Wow you're almost as short as Michael," David commented I just rolled my eyes and ignored him "what got nothing to say because you know it's true," he scoffed "no because there is no point arguing with a big naked baby," I snapped back "ooh the hottie got some bite to her," he said back which made my head snap towards him and get up, getting in his face "what did you just say," I say angrily "calm down in his defense you are kinda hot as a female," Boat speaks up. I just roll my eyes holding back the blush trying to grow "whatever, not like it means anything I'll be back to normal soon... hopefully," I said annoyed but saying the last part quietly. "I think y'all should leave and go on a mission now," Brandon speaks up "You're actually nicer as a wo-," David starts to say but was cut off by Boat putting his hand over his mouth and dragging him out of the guild. I growl under my breath and went upstairs, doing paperwork Brandon joining me a little bit later 'I really hope we can fix this' I think as I continue to do paperwork for the rest of the day.


Hi everyone it's been a while... yeah, I hope 2020 is treating y'all better than it is me and if it's not I'm sorry for your pain. umm I'm sorry for the lack of stories, I been sick and then there is school and I been getting hurt and there been death and my mental state hasn't been great this whole year, Halloween soon yay I hope it's great for y'all.

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