David x Brandon (SDS S1)

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Brandon POV

  I sighed slightly annoyed as Ritchie tells me to try on another outfit for the 4th time, I did as he said and changed. My new outfit seemed to have made him happy so we changed back into our casual clothes before going to go pay the shopkeeper. I was a bit skeptical at the price but Michael did say to pick new nice outfits no matter the cost of it because he wanted us to make a good impression. We leave the shop and head back to the house while Ritchie rambled on about how tonight was going to be so much fun as well as how he was going to confess his feelings to Michael. Michael wanted us to interact with the people more so since there was this big festival tonight he wanted all of us to dress nicely and go to gain a good reputation. Also yes, Ritchie has had the biggest crush on Michael for so long and he won't stop talking about it when it's just us but I'm happy he's finally going to confess, I hope things go well for him.

  We make it back to the house not long later and join the others in their conversation on plans for tonight. I'm not much of a people person or much of a party person but I guess this is a chance to have fun for once with no demons or missions. Time flies past and soon it is time to start getting ready for the festival, everyone goes to their respective private areas to get dressed, agreeing to meet downstairs. My outfit was simple and I didn't do anything to my hair so I was quickly finished, I went downstairs and I joined David who was also ready. "Brandon, don't you look handsome," he says smirking with a soft blush on his cheeks, I blush slightly but looked away "Thanks, you look decent," I say yawning softly. He chuckles before we fall into silence as we wait for the others, they don't take long and we all leave together to head to the town center for the festival.

  The festival hosted many people, booths, shops, and music, people talked amongst each other, danced, shopped, or just ate. The music was honestly quite enjoyable and it all looked fun but I was too shy to join in on anything so I stood more to the side as the others went to socialize. After standing there awkwardly for a moment and constantly getting bumped into I decided to wander the shops as well as the booths. I was just wondering when a woman jumps in front of me with a bright smile "Hello, take a flower crown and enjoy yourself, you look so gloomy," she giggles before taking off after placing a flower crown onto my head. I decided to leave it because I knew more people were going to do the same if I took it off. 

  About 2 hours passed people joined in group dancing and many activities, I could see the others enjoying themselves so I decided I was going to wander back home. I squeezed past groups of people, trying to avoid being touched or talked to, which was a lot harder than expected. "Brandon, hey, you enjoying yourself," David says as I wander in front of him unexpectedly, I shrug "It's decent, too many people for my liking, I'm going to try to head home," I say. He frowns "Come on, they're going to start doing more group dancing soon, you should join us," he says smiling, I shrug "Not much of a dancer," I say. "Come on please," he begs "Sorry David, I'm heading home," I say again before the music starts playing and people around us start getting with partners to dance.

  Everyone around us start dancing and I realize we were standing right in the middle of everyone, David holds out his hand and smiles. "Please, just one dance," he says smiling softly, I sigh softly before taking his hand, he smiles before bowing and I bow in return. Our hands intertwined as we began to walk in circles around each other our eyes never leaving each other. He spins me and pulls me closer where our chests lightly bump each other, he slowly guides me as we danced to the music, ignoring everyone around us. We continued to dance our hearts out to each other, our eyes never leaving each other, and I can't help but study everything about David. His gaze was soft but happy, his touch was gentle and loving, and his body language spoke a thousand words but 3 words were the loudest, and they were I love you. I began to notice how much my cheeks were burning, how there were flutters in my stomach, and how my heart ached with want for love.

  The song comes to an end and we both bow to each other before finally freeing our eyes as well as hands from their embrace. "See that wasn't so bad," David says with a smile, I blush even more before shrugging lightly "Yeah, I guess, I need to go," I say before running off. I wander off into the woods, the music and the voice of people falling distance, the lights of the village fading leaving the only light being the setting sun. I walk to a small pond surrounded by trees and flowers with a small bench swing hanging from a tree branch leaving a beautiful view of the pond and sunset behind it. I sit on the bench and watch the sun as well as fish in the pond, in silence with a distant sound of music coming from the far village.

  I sat there in silence for a bit in deep thought before a voice broke me out of my thoughts "There you are, I thought you were heading back home," David says. I look at him as he sits next to me on the bench and I shrug "It was too loud, I just needed time away from the village I guess," I say and he nods. We sit in silence for a bit before he speaks up "I enjoyed dancing with you, we should do it more," he says and I stayed quiet for a moment "Yeah maybe, I enjoyed it as well," I respond. "You know what we should also do more often," he says and I look at him "What's that," I asked "This," he says before kissing me. My eyes widen in shock before I fall deep into the kiss, I kiss back as he intertwines our fingers and uses his other hand to cup my cheek. I rest my hand on his chest as our lips moved in sync with each other, eventually, we separate "Brandon, I love you," he says panting slightly. I smile "I love you too, David," I say with a blush painted on my cheeks, he smiles and presses a kiss on my cheek before pulling me into his side as we watch the last bit of sunset for the night.

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