Bryan x Mario (SNO S1)

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Requested By: wolfieship4 

Mario POV

  Bryan has been part of the pack for a while now but he has some problems every now and then. For example, he doesn't have a very good sniffer, one time he thought he was hunting a dear but it turned out to be a skunk, that was an awful week. Yet, for whatever reason despite making so many mistakes, being so careless, and just being a total goofball, my heart flutters every time I hear his name, I get butterflies in my stomach when I'm near him, and every time I feel his eyes on my I just want to curl up into a ball from embarrassment. I know I shouldn't feel this way for one of my pack members but I can't help it, I believe this feeling is called love. I just love everything about him, the way he makes mistakes, the way he is so brave, the way he is such a goofball, and the way he can be so serious in moments, it makes me weak in the knees. There are just two problems I can't tell him and he doesn't love me, how can anyone love someone like me. I have a feeling all my problems will be changed for the worse or for the better because I made the mistake and told Xylo my feelings towards Bryan.

  I was walking around Safehaven, doing a quick patrol of the area to make sure nothing is wrong when Xylo comes running up to me with a mischievous smile. I stared at him for a minute trying to figure out what he could have done, when I realized what he did. I growled at him before walking away and continue my patrol and hoped I could avoid Bryan for the rest of the day. It's been a couple of hours since I found out Xylo told Bryan and me trying to avoid him. It was finally the end of the day, so I returned to my cabin and started going through paperwork and mail when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I called out to whoever is at the door and just my luck it was Bryan, he was looking down as he approached my desk, I was trying my best to hide the sadness, as well as the blush on my face. "What can I do for you, Bryan?" I asked, "Well uh Xylo told me something about you and I wanted to see if it's true," he said quietly, I swallowed my fear hoping it was something else "W-what did he tell you?" I asked trying to hide my fear "Well he said y-you liked me, is that true?" he asked shyly and quietly, I swallowed hard before saying "I won't lie to you Bryan, y-yes it is true, I hope this doesn't ruin our relationship because I respect you greatly" sadness laced in my voice. Bryan nods softly before looking up and smiling "So uhm would you believe me if I said I liked you too?" he asked shyly while blushing "W-would you be lying?" I asked shyly and blushing just as much probably more. He smiles and says "No," I smile and say "Maybe I would, would you join me for lunch tomorrow?" he blushes more and smiles brightly "I would like that" "Great I meet you at your cabin tomorrow around lunch," I say smiling brightly "I'll be there," he says before waving bye and leaving. Bryan leaves and I can't help but let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I gripped my chest before continuing my work.


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Thank you for the request, I hoped you enjoy this chapter, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Bye cuties~

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