Brandon x David (SDS)

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Brandon POV

    I was floating in the air with my eyes closed, at the end of the table in our house, listening to Michael, David, and Ritchie argue back and forth. I roll my eyes since they do this every day, Michael finally got them to be quiet and said "finally y'all are quiet, we are going on a mission, we are going to be gone for a while," he stopped for a second before continuing "so I need y'all to pack y'all sleeping bags, tents, food, and drinks," "got it, but when are we leaving," David asked making me look up at him "In thirty minutes so be ready," Michael says answering his question. "In thirty minutes but I have a date tonight with Alison," Ritchie said complaining "then cancel with her because we are going," Michael said annoyed, they went on bickering and I decided to let them handle that so I went upstairs to get ready to go.

   After we leave, which took longer than planned but as suspected, we start our adventure to complete our mission. We walk through the woods, Ritchie flirting with all of us making all of us tired of this trip already. I was walking behind everyone enjoying some peace while it lasted every now and then glancing at David hoping he would talk to me or acknowledge my presence, then Ritchie slowed down, everyone passing him and he started walking beside me. He stopped me making sure we were out of the rest earshot before he let us continue walking, "Sooo you like David huh," he asked I blushed slightly but tried to hide it "w-what do you mean," I ask trying to sound dumb "oh please I am the sin of lust, I see how you look at him," he said in a teasing tone, we both look ahead of us seeing David and Michael talking to each other both of them looking over their shoulder. "I have no clue what you are talking about," he smirked before saying "you want to see if he actually likes you back," I looked at him confused, he whispered in my ear saying "just roll with it,". He stops us and grabs my waist making me face him, which we could tell in the corner of our eyes this got the other two attention, making them stop and turn halfway looking at us, Ritchie then pulls me really close putting his hand on my cheek blocking the view of our lips from the others, which made it look like we were kissing but we weren't our lips were really close but not touching. Before we knew it both Michael and David pulled us apart quickly, David has his arm wrapped around my waist glaring at Ritchie, while Michael was doing the same with Ritchie but was glaring at Ritchie and not me. David and Michael made Ritchie walk in front with Michael while David walked with me in the back we didn't say anything the whole time, but at one point Ritchie looked back at me smirking and winked, I was blushing the whole time a million thoughts were going through my mind at once.

   A couple of hours later when the sun was setting we decided to set up camp in the woods, I was still very confused and still blushing lightly. After dinner everyone made Ritchie go to bed first and locked him in his tent, after an hour of talking Michael decided to go to bed as well, leaving David and me alone. We sat in silence most of the time, having a small conversation every now and then, this went on for a while until I finally had enough of this awkward situation, I tell him goodnight and start getting up before getting stopped by David grabbing my wrist. "Wait actually I need to talk to you for a minute," he says I sit back down and ask "what is it David," "w-well um I um," he said sounding really nervous "David, is something wrong," I ask concerned. "No well um," he says before leaning towards me quickly and kisses me blushing, I blushed a dark red and hesitated before kissing back. We separated for a few seconds before kissing again, we separate and smile at each other "I love you, Brandon," he says "I love you too, David," I say in return, we cuddle together looking up at the stars enjoying the peaceful, I glance over our shoulders at Ritchie tent seeing him peeking through the tent silently cheering giving me a thumbs up I chuckle silently and then go back to cuddling David.


Thank you for reading, I hope y'all enjoy this story, and thank y'all so much for the support, I am very grateful, I almost took the thing from the other day down until I saw how many people already saw it so I left it. And again thank y'all so much for being so nice and supportive, 2020 has not been my year, like what happened in what explained in the last update, I lost 3 people this year, I almost failed school twice, I lost touch with my best friends irl, I'm constantly sick, I'm constantly tired, so many people have so much expectations for me and I am not meeting any of them, I gotten hurt so many times, I slipped up from my normal self revealing my true depressed self to people, I'm constantly surrounded by my past mistakes and people keep bringing them up, and I can't do anything right. Last night I snapped at my mom, I been getting into hand knitting, and I messed up and there was like no way to fix it unless to start all over and I been working on it for an whole hour already, and my mom was telling me that everyone messes up and stuff and I just snapped and screamed at her saying 'it doesn't matter because all I do is mess up' and I stormed off, my mom didn't say anything to me until like two hours later. But anyways I'm venting and waisting y'all time, bye I hope y'all have a great day or night.

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