Viper x Ritchie (FTO S5)

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Viper POV

  I sighed tiredly as I looked over the SS-rank quest board for any interesting missions. Finally, after a while one caught my eye, it was a mission in a nearby town to take down an evil wizard with explosion magic that had been terrorizing them. I took the mission and once I made sure I had everything I needed I began my journey to the town as well as complete the mission. I couldn't help but grumble to myself on my way there, the evil wizard had explosion magic just like that one annoying wizard from Divinus Magia. Speaking of Divinus Magia their guild isn't far from here, I hoped that I didn't run into any of them, especially Ritchie, I didn't need any distractions right now.

  I arrived at the village and scoped the surroundings from the shadows. It didn't take long to find the evil wizard, it was pretty clear he was looking for a fight. After scoping out my surroundings and developing a plan, I decided my best option was to get the evil wizard a bit of distance from the village. We didn't need any more damage to the town, Grimshade was already in debt as it was. Once I settled on the plan and went over it, I put the plan into action, the evil wizard was clearly immature because he fell into the plan with ease.

  The plan was so far a success, I had got the wizard away from the village causing no harm to the village. I managed to lead the wizard into the woods near a river, I really hoped I would be able to take down the wizard before we came across the river. Unfortunately, the universe wasn't on my side, we came across the river but there was an old stone bridge so I wasn't at a dead end. We were standing on the bridge fighting, I had the upper hand and I was going to use that to my advantage, with one final move I was able to throw the wizard back causing him to fall unconscious by hitting a tree. I was greatly relieved that the fight was over but it was only now that I noticed how unstable the bridge was and the explosions from the wizard didn't help.

  I was fixing to get to safety but I was too late the bridge collapsed under me and I hit the deep water of the flowing river. I didn't like talking about myself and especially didn't like showing my weaknesses but I suppose this was a weakness that I think I should've told someone about, I couldn't swim. I struggled against the water trying to grasp for air when I broke the water surface only inhale lots of water. I struggled and tried my best but it was no use, I couldn't do it, I couldn't breathe and my head felt like it was exploding from not being able to breathe. Soon I couldn't fight anymore, my body fell limp as I inhaled more water, and soon my vision faded as everything became dark.

  I felt pressure being applied to my chest before a pair of lips touched mine pushing air into my lungs. I jerked into a coughing fit as the person pulled away, I was helped to roll over on my side as I coughed up a bunch of water mixed with blood as the person gently rubbed my back. Once the coughing stopped I slumped to my side gasping for air, the person continued to rub my back in a comforting way as I slowly caught my breath. "Are you okay," I heard a familiar voice say from beside me, I slowly sat up and nodded looking at the person, surprised it was none other than Ritchie. He soaked in water meaning he was the one who jumped in to save me, "Thanks," I say quietly, and he chuckles "No problem," he responds before standing up and offering me a hand, which I hesitantly took.

  Once I was standing I stumbled a little bit which Ritchie instantly responded by lending me a hand to keep my balance until I was ready. "I didn't know you couldn't swim," he says "Yeah well it's not something I'm proud of, so this stay between us," I hissed with no anger behind it. He nods "I respect that since it's your personal life but you shouldn't feel ashamed of it a lot of people can't swim but you definitely should tell someone to avoid similar situations in the future," he says. I sighed and nodded "Thanks for the advice but mind your business," I grumbled, he sighed before nodding. 

  "Well since you are here and we're near my guild, how about we go there and get ourselves dried off before we get sick, then maybe I could take you out for dinner," he suggests while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "You saved me and now asking me out, shouldn't this be the other way around," I asked "Well I know you're not the type to ask those types of things so I decided why not shoot my shot but I got it if you don't want too," he says sighing. "I didn't say no and I do suppose it would be nice to not get sick as well as some food, also I guess to clear some things up between us," I say a slight blush forming on my cheeks. He smiles and nods, "Great, I'll lead the way," he says happily and I nod before following him towards his guild.

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