Viper (FTO S5)

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Viper POV

  I ran frantically through the woods, I couldn't see so I didn't know where I was going so I could only hope it was the right way. I wasn't quite sure what happened, it all happened so fast. One second I was in Alantide and the next I was being tortured in some place in the middle of the woods. I couldn't feel Jasper or my powers and I didn't know why, so I was left alone in darkness running and tripping over stuff. My body ached and I was pretty sure I was bleeding but I wasn't going to stop to rest, at least not until I knew for sure I was safe in Alantide again.

  As I ran through the woods I tripped over something causing me to fall to the ground. In that split second, I could hear the people who kidnapped me in the distance so I knew I wasn't safe. I instantly got back to my feet and began running again. My legs hurt, my body ached, I was so tired, and I just wanted to be back in my room to sleep away from this nightmare but I didn't know where I was. I hated this feeling, the feeling of vulnerability, I hated feeling weak, I hated feeling like I couldn't do anything on my own.

  Soon the sound of the dirt in the woods became the sound of pavement but whether that meant I was in Alantide or not, I didn't know but I didn't care I could still hear them. As I ran I eventually ran into someone, I fell to the ground and quickly looked around panicked in search of sound as I got turned around from which way I was running. "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, oh, Viper," I heard a familiar voice that I was so happy to hear. "Allumos," I asked, I felt someone's presence kneel beside me causing me to flinch away from them in fear "Yes, Viper are you okay," Allumos asked worriedly from the void of the presence I felt. "W-where am I," I asked avoiding the question, "You're in Alantide, we're near Grimshade," Allumose responded and I nodded softly.

  I hear footsteps causing me to flinch away from the direction that came from which was the opposite direction Allumos was causing me to bump into him. "Allumos, did you- oh Viper, wait are you okay," I hear Jericho say in the direction of the new set of footsteps. I feel Jericho's presence kneeling on the opposite side of Allumos, "Viper, can you see," Allumos asks skeptically and I shake my head. "I can't feel Jasper," I respond truthfully, I flinch as Jericho gently touches my arm, "What happened," Jericho asks quietly. "I-," I start to say but stop as multiple footsteps approach us before stopping in front of us, "Oh there you are," one of the people I was running from says "Yeah, we were looking for you," another says.

  I scoot away from the sounds of their voices while gripping Allumos and Jericho from either side of me. They immediately notice before Allumos stands up "And who are y'all," Allumos asks using his intimidating voice. "We're none of your concern, we're just here for our friend," one says angrily "Your friend, you say, well as someone who has known this person for quite a while I don't think I have ever heard him mention y'all," Allumos says angrily. "Listen this is just a misunderstanding, we're leaving," one says before another voice speaks up "No we're not, we're not leaving without him," the voice says. "Well, then I guess I'll just have to make y'all leave, Jericho get Viper to the guildhall," Allumos says.

  Jericho stands before picking me up, I would usually fight back but I knew this was for the best right now. I could hear Allumos and the group of people's voices grow distant as Jericho carried me back to the guild. We entered before he carried me to, which I assume, was my room before sitting me down the bed "I'll be back, I'm going to get a medkit," Jericho says before leaving. I sat alone in darkness once again but this time I was safe, though I was concerned for Allumos and knew he was much stronger than me so he could hold his own.

  It was a couple of hours later, I was bandaged up and Jericho sat by my side the whole time, despite the fact I told him to leave, which I honestly didn't mind. I was sitting in the darkness as I listened to Jericho quietly hum when someone entered. "Is everything okay now," Jericho asks, "Yeah, they were taken care of and arrested," Allumos voice appears. "Good," Jericho says sighing in relief "Are you okay, Viper," Allumos asks as I feel the bed dip at the foot of it "I'm fine," I mumbled quietly. It was quiet for a minute, I assumed Allumos and Jericho were having a silent conversation about me.

  "So what exactly happened," Jericho asks, I shrug "I was in Alantide, and then the next thing I know I was being kidnapped, and then they deprived me of any magic before torturing me," I respond truthfully. "How did you escape," Allumos asks "They might have had effective torturing methods but they didn't have any effective restraints, I was easily able to break out of them once they left me alone and somehow I was about to get out of there before getting back here," I respond. They both listened to me, "Well they are taken care of so you don't have to worry about them but we're here to talk if you need to," Jericho said and I shrugged in response. "Get some rest maybe Jasper and your magic will return after some rest, if it doesn't we'll get it figured out," Allumos says and I nod. I hear both of them leave so I lay down and lay there in darkness letting the events replay in my head before falling asleep, nightmare-filled dreams haunting me.

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