David x Lucas/Boat (FTO S5)

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Lucas/Boat POV

    After a normal day on the island, David and I decided to go a mission, the mission didn't seem too hard so we guessed we would be back by sundown. We startled heading to our destination which was cold pretty far away and it said it was cold there, which David seemed happy about, we followed the paper to the destination but when we arrived nothing was wrong but something seemed off. After scouting the area, seeing nothing was wrong, we decided to head back just as we turned around to head back I feel a sharp pain go through my stomach I gripped my stomach and looked down and saw that I was bleeding and started to feel light and soon the ground came closer but before I hit the ground everything went black but not before hearing David calling my name.

    When I gain consciousness again I see that I was in a jail cell with David, I immediately took notice at how cold it was, I could see snow coming from our single small window and ice around the cell we were in. I let out a cold shaky breath, which caught David's attention, I tried to sit up but winced in pain at my wound on my stomach. David rushed by my side and said "you shouldn't move to much you'll make the wound worse," "o-okay, w-where are we," I asked slowly sitting up leaning against the cold wall. "I'm not sure," he said sitting next to me I nodded and looked around trying not to move much, David gets up and starts pacing and looking for ways out and using his power to get us out but nothing seemed to work. 

    After a few hours it was starting to get dark and colder, my wound wasn't doing good either I was losing a lot of blood and was starting to feel light headed and I was freezing to death. I decided to lay down and try to get some sleep but it was just to cold I couldn't sleep, "i-it's c-c-cold," I said shivering. David looked at me and sighed and walked over to me taking off his shirt he carefully helps me up and puts the shirt on me and lays me back down I smile softly and say "th-thank y-you, David," it didn't help a whole lot but it was still something "no problem, I rather you get blood on my shirt instead of you dying on me," he says I chuckle softly but instantly regret because of my wound I cough a little bit coughing up blood as well. I slowly curl up hugging myself to stay warm and because of pain, I could see David in the corner of my eye he was watching me and he seemed really worried. After what seemed an hour the cold was just getting colder, it was so cold it was starting to hurt, I couldn't tell which was worse my wound or the cold. I started a coughing fit mixed with blood and whimpered in pain, I could tell David was getting really worried, he then walked over to me he laid down in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. He was surprisingly warm so I snuggled into him more he ran his fingers through my hair which was very comforting and I soon fell asleep.

   I wake up to a loud explosion but I was in so much pain I couldn't move, I notice David was gone I was guessing the explosion was him. He soon came into my view and he carefully picked me up, even though he was careful it still hurt really bad and it made me whimper in pain he looked at me worriedly and started walking to our exit. It was really cold and he was really warm so I buried my face in his chest, he stopped for a second and started walking again, after a while of him carring me everything went blurry and then everything went black. When I woke up again it was very warm and I could tell I was in a warm bed, I wasn't in much pain as I was in before. I slowly sit up and saw that I was still in David's shirt I snuggled into it a little bit and then looked around I was in a slightly familiar room and then I saw David he was pacing back and forth at the edge of the bed. "D-David," I said he looked at me and smiled, he quickly rushed to my side and kissed me I was shocked at first but kissed back, he pulled back and smiled "don't you ever scare me like that ever again," he says I smile and giggled softly and kissed him, he instantly kisses back and we never went on a mission like that ever again.


Hey everyone I just want to start and apologize for the last chapter it was a little rushed because it was late and I was tired and I had to get up early sort of like tonight but oh well. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I just needed to distract my mind because I am under a lot of stress, I am failing school and I know everyone is thinking I'm a failure because I'm not meeting anyone expectations. Everyone expects me to be smart and be a nerd and everything but I'm not that way but everyone thinks if I'm not a nerd then I must be a wild trouble making child but I'm not that either, and that what is making me a failure to everyone expectations cause I'm not what everyone wants or expects me to be and since I'm not that they expect me to be the other one but I'm not that either. And then everyone expects me to be my sister who is nice, sweet, smart, active, loveable, pretty, successful, and everyone favorite and everyone is always comparing me to her but I'm my own person and not her, but then since I'm not her everyone expects me to be my other siblings who are partiers, druggies, alcholics, troublemakers, smokers and everyone loves, but I'm not that either so yeah. I don't know maybe there just isn't a place for me here in this world, maybe I'm just not meant to be here, maybe that why I'm always dancing with death but it looks like death is having such a great time dancing he forgot to take out of this world but instead taking everyone around me because they are trying to stop our dance. I'm sorry for the rant anyways hope you liked the story bye goodnight or goodmorning or goodevening or goodafternoon.

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