David x Bradon (HSotD)

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Brandon POV

  We were all currently bunkering down in a small corner store, we've been hiding here for a day or two but unfortunately, it doesn't have many supplies. We were all resting trying to decide on a place to raid and a path to take, there was no telling what lay ahead of us our best chance was to hope. Michael sat on the counter trying to think of the best path, Ritchie was looking through the shelves hoping to find anything else of use, David searched behind the counter for stuff, and I kept a watch out for people or zombies, occasionally stealing glances at David. Once Michael decided on a path and confirmed it with us, we began to pack our things and head out. After we checked everything we left the store heading down Michael's path he had planned for us.

  We were walking down the planned path when we heard groaning "Y'all hear that," David asks and we nod "Yeah, doesn't sound good," I say. We put our guard up as we continued down the path, our hearts stopped when we turned the corner as we saw a heard of zombies roaming the streets. Our scents immediately caught their attention as they groaned and screamed at us before charging at us, we all turned on our heels running as fast as we could away from them. Our feared-filled scents and the groaning of the zombies caught the attention of other zombies, soon zombies were cutting us off in every direction we turned. Much to all our disliking it began to get harder to stay together, I fell to the ground at a stop as a couple of zombies appeared in front of me blocking my path from my friends. I rushed to my feet turning to run the other way as the zombies blocked my original path, more zombies blocked the path I was coming from so I ditched down an alley hoping this wasn't a dead end.

  I ran down the alley popping out at the other end, only to find more zombies, I quickly ducked into the nearest building, a library. I quickly blocked the door as a few zombies groaned and pounded on the door, I glanced around the dark old library while I leaned against the counter to catch my breath. I decided to try to find a back door since I wasn't going to get out through the front door, I kept my guard up as I walked through the library. I fall backward to the ground as a zombie jumps out from behind a bookshelf on top of me, I struggle against it as I try to push it back. I kick it in the face to get it away as I reach for my bat, just as the bat touches my fingertips I feel pain rush through my side, I scream in pain as the zombie bites my side. I pry the zombie's mouth off and kick it away before grabbing my bat, I swing it repeatedly onto the zombie's head, killing it.

  I gasped in pain as I flopped to the ground gripping my side, I raised my shirt seeing the deep bite mark. I took deep breaths before digging bandages out of my bag, I wrapped my side before fixing my clothes, I stumbled a little bit once I stood up but shook it off. I exited the back door glancing around before running off, being careful of my surroundings and my hurt side, I knew what would happen if the others found out so for now I'll keep this to myself. I took a few detours but I, eventually, made it to the destination we were heading, I sighed in relief once I saw the others were there already. I entered the building surprising the others but they all sighed in relief when they saw me "Glad to see you're okay," Michael said and I nodded "Welcome back," David said sharing a small smile and patting my back, I returned the smile before joining Ritchie in raiding.

  Once we raided everything they had and cleared the store, we gathered at a small clearing in the store. We all sat down finally getting a chance to rest for a minute "I was thinking, we probably gathered a lot of zombies in this area so I say in the morning once they all scattered out we head out, that way we don't get trapped here," Michael says. "I agree, getting trapped here is a bad idea, we don't have much weapon-wise," Ritchie adds and I nod "Y'all get some rest, I'll take the first watch," I volunteered. Michael and Ritchie nod before setting up their sleeping bags a little distance away as I get up "Are you sure, you were out there fighting a lot longer than us," David says as he places a hand on my shoulder. I smile and blush softly "I'm sure, I got this David, go rest," I say patting his chest, blushing even more as I feel his muscles through his shirt. He frowns but nods "Alright, wake me up if you need anything or if you want to swap," he says and I nod before I begin walking around the store mainly the exits.

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