Brandeen x Mitch (OoO)

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Mitch POV

It was a normal day for the campers and I, we had trails, someone started a fight, drama was going around everywhere, it was getting annoying in my opinion. I was laying down in my bed with my eyes closed when I smelt a familiar smell, it was smoke, I quickly jumped up and saw that my cabin was on fire. I quickly got off my bed and tried to make it to the door but the roof clasped in front of the door trapping me inside, I quickly turned around and darted towards the window in the back of my cabin but the flames were too quick blocking my only hope of escape. I was trapped in my cabin nowhere to go, my body felt weak from the smoke and heat and being a son of Poseidon was no help, soon smoke filled my lungs and the flames burned my skin I fell to the ground unable to breathe. My vision started to get blurry and right before everything went black the cabin door was kicked open and a blurry figure appeared and then everything faded to black. I wake up to an unfamiliar cabin, I slowly look around and my eyes landed on a familiar person leaning against a window seal staring through the window. I slowly sit up causing a wet cloth to fall off my head that I didn't realize was there, the familiar person looked at me when I groaned trying to sit up, "Hey, how are you," Brandeen asks his voice full of concern which confused me since he never shows emotions. "I'm fine," I say my voice a little scratchy from the smoke "What happened," I ask confused "Your cabin somehow caught on fire and you were trapped in it so I rescued you," he says I blink in surprise "You rescued me," I say shocked "Ya, I guess because your brother is one of my best frie-," he starts to say but I quickly interrupt him with a tight hug. After a few seconds, he soon hugged back I let my head rest on his chest as I hugged him and he let his head rest on top of my head. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I break the hug "I'm sorry but that was very sweet of you and -," he cuts me off by softly kissing me. I stare at him shocked but I soon melt into the kiss. After a minute we break apart and I was so embarrassed I ran away and went to Xylo place, he let me stay at his place for as long as I needed but I don't know how I can look Brandeen in the eyes again.

I hope y'all enjoyed my horrible story I got this idea from Lost_Cen they created a wonderful chapter of Brandeen x Mitch and they said they love this ship so I decided to why not make a story for them since there is not a whole lot of Brandeen x Mitch, but anyways see ya in the next chapter. I hop y'all have a wonderful day or night.

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