Brandeen x Red/Daveed Part 2 (OoO S1)

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Daveed POV

   It was most likely one of the coldest nights in history on this poor excuse of a world. I was so cold and I knew I wasn't going to get any kind of heat sitting in this small cabin under a singular blanket. So I decided to go visit my best firey friend, Brandeen, I slowly take off the blanket instantly regretting it, and immediately put it back on. I force myself off the slightly warm and comfortable mattress, making my way to the door I open my cabin door to be met with the coldness of the night.

   I tried my best to hurry to my best friend's cabin once I reach his cabin I went in immediately no caring to knock. I looked around as I closed the door behind me I could Brandeen snuggled against his phoenix thing under his blanket, he looked very warm and comfortable. I didn't even hesitate as I made my way to Brandeen's bed and climbing under the blankets snuggling the other side of Brandeen from his phoenix. I was met with warmth almost immediately, I snuggled closer to my best friend and slowly fell asleep to the warmth and to Brandeen's soft breathing, I knew when Brandeen woke up in the morning he was going to yell at me but I knew, in the end, it was going to be worth it.



Here's part 2 I'm really sorry it is short but I have been struggling with more death and major mental health issues I just haven't had time, school is just around the corner and I start therapy soon it's all stressful. I know I've been mentioning death a lot but here is just to clear things up February 2020 to July 2021 I lost 7 people so you can obviously see no one would be mentally stable after that many deaths and that just since COVID started there was a lot of death before covid but anyway you can't get anywhere looking back you can only move on by looking forward so I'll see y'all next time bye cuties~

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